
For those who know me, know my blog, would also know i have had a lifetime fear of vomiting.... Well, i can safely say i no longer have that fear...

Monday morning i woke up at 6am feeling 'odd'... a little nauseous.  I went downstairs and made myself a coffee hoping that it would make me feel better........ BAD CHOICE!!!!!

In under an hour i was puking, and then i puked again.... and again!  For FOUR hours i was throwing up!..... But holy shit, that was the easy part, the sweats/aches/shivering and headache that followed was the worse bit.  I pretty much slept all of yesterday, i couldn't even move out of my bed.  My neighbours (god bless them) gave my boy his tea because i couldn't even get out of bed, let alone think about making food....

All night i was up and down out of bed changing my bed clothes because i had a massive fever...  However this morning, no i don't feel great and i am now shitting (a lot),  i feel much better than i did....

So yay me :)

What a lovely blog post!!!!!


em said…
hope your feeling a little better this morning sarah. x
Clare said…
Hey Sarah, how nice to see you've posted but not so nice to see you've been ill. Hope you feel much better now and are well and truly on the mend. Take care, Clare (",)
Sarah♥ said…
Hi ladies and thank you!

Sadly i spoke too soon, i am still really not well :(

Unknown said…
Hi Sarah wow u ded ill hun hope ur all better now but glad you fear of being sick has gone that is fab,hope everything else in ur life is going well,you found yourself a nice man yet?we are all ok,got scan next week 2o wk one so looking forward to that,they wanted to start me on more tablets but i said i'm not taking anything else through my pregnancy as already take too many so they will wait till after the birth,meant to be starting cbt but nobody has got in touch as usual but seing a special parinatal team during the preg which is good if i have any concerns,how is ur boy he must be a young man now,anyway glad the weather is getting better,chat soon hun love vinny xx♥xx

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