Santa Pod..

My boy, his daddy and the "other" family are all off to SANTA POD this weekend. How exciting!! Stinky is car mad. He knows all cars, their makes, models, date of manufacture...everything, so going to there is going to be amazing for him :)


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Sarah♥ said…
No? Is that because there's been what? 2/3/4? All asking you to stop reading my blog?
Sarah♥ said…
So if asking you to stop reading my blog, is harassing, stalking..then yes, i am both of those things.
Sarah♥ said…
BTW - My Brain Disorder is still here. Thanks for asking.

How is yours?
Sarah♥ said…
Samuel knows who his REAL father is. Not at all confusing. No different to my step father and real father. I'm not confused.
Lisa x said…
How would someone know you're writing about them if they weren't reading your blog?!...Strange.
Sarah♥ said…
She's reading alright. Every-single-day without fail. Just to gloat.

..and she calls ME a stalker!!!!!!
vinny said…
aww hope stinky has a great time,what do i call ur lad stinky i cant call him that lol
so this is the witch thats been acting like a dick then,now i see why,what a total weirdo,jelous me thinks.
ur a nice person so dont listen to them sarah we all like u loads and love to read ur blog,they are just a sad git wiv nothing better to do than try to upset you,go get a life gobbey ur pathetic childish and emmm just a weirdo by the sounds of it
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Sarah♥ said…

Here are my two favorite. Note to reader: I blocked her on she used her boyfriend AND her 11 year old sons facebook account to message me. And ofcourse anyone who has read this blog over any length of time KNOWS how many blog posts shes written about me/to me. But what she failed to mention is: I HAVE NOT CONTACTED HER/RESPONDED TO HER/WRITTEN ABOUT HER in atleast a year. Despite how many times she has written to me/about me. After awhile, you just get sick and tired of people telling you "England Sarah wrote ANOTHER blog about you" or looking in your email and seeing ANOTHER email. And then sitting here reading people pity Sarah for being harassed. So now...I will play the part. Congrats Sarah! You've won!

Between You and (MY BOYFRIEND)

June 14 at 1:07pm
Why do you still do it? I don't get it

Between You and (MY SON)

June 14 at 1:14pm
Anyway, i can't get into my facebook - all day, which is crap...but still...
I do think it's strange that you still read me...
Sarah♥ said…
...exactly as i said. ASKING YOU TO STOP READING. Now, where are ALL the others?
Sarah♥ said…
That comment was a step too far.
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Lisa x said…
She's obviously just wants to rile you up. Some people get a kick out of it. If I was sick of someone writing crap about me i'd stop reading, especially since you've said you'll stop.
Sarah♥ said…
You would think Lisa.
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Sarah♥ said…
Comment was published and what i said was 2/3/4 - IN A FUCKING YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! Not 4 a day...4 a week, FOUR IN A YEAR!
Sarah♥ said…
No, you've said nothing Sarah until recently, but you keep reading, day after day FOR FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT. And yes, it's a public blog, but you don't like me, so why read? I ask you to stop, it's simple - please stop.
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Lisa x said…
What kind of person reads about someones misfortunes for entertainment? That really is sick. Even worse when it is something they have no control over
Sarah♥ said…
DITTO x 1,000,000
vinny said…
i'm english welsh and irish so it wouldnt matter how i spoke really,you still understand what i'm saying dont ya,and u know what dick means dont ya,no i dont know sarah or you but after reading about sarah and reading about you and reading ur posts then i know who i'd rather be friends with and yeah me am ali g btw ha ha u freak,england is very different from the states,we are more reserved over get a life and stop reading her blogs if ur not interested you wouldnt even know she had posted about u in the first place,and i find it hard to think that sarah's fella even looked twice at you to be honest ha ha
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vinny said…
well u have obviously changed loads sinse going over there cos ur just really mean and nasty,you even said sarah was really loud,when she's just a normal person to me,not gonna argue wiv you cos this is sarah's blog about her boy going out with his dad for the day,so glad uve said ur not gonna read her blogs anymore,cool we wont hear from you again then!!!!
Unknown said…
GobbleyGoo- How about you fuck off and leave Sarah alone- Talk about Stalker behaviour!
I remember messaging you myself last year and telling you to back off and leave her alone. And well a year on your still here with your same shallow bullshit.
You really must live a sheltered life my dear.... For someone who was pregnant you think you would be putting all your time and effort into your upcoming child instead of behaving like a teenager who is jealous of someone..
Anyway enough of the small talk as i dont think your brain will even engage in it so i will put it in simple terms- leave her alone, if you dont then you will have me to deal with and that isnt a plesant experience let me tell you.

P.s: Did i mention that i think your a grade A Prick! I dont usually swear but in your case i will make a big exception.

Oh and Sarah i hope you publish this comment as she is needs to be dropped down a peg or two- fucking silly cow!!
Sarah♥ said…
Thanks Sweet.

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Sarah♥ said…
The FEW times i have emailed you has been asking in a pleasant way to stop reading, that's all.

No STALKING, No HARASSING, nothing. Now - please leave me be.
vinny said…
nice one shopping addict lol you said just what i was thinking and gobbey btw i thought the slideshow was nice,they are memories and it shows sarah has feelings but you have fuck all feelings atall and you have to agree,you do talk shit dont ya?
saying sarah's fella is not attractive well omg have u and ur fella looked into a mirror in the past few years ha ha,to say ur fella is a hunk in ur blog,well each to their own but have u had ur eyes tested recently? ur a total bitch for the hurtfull things you keep saying to sarah,you have no life and no heart what so ever!!!
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vinny said…
omg u freak,you can read what i'm saying anf u obviously know what i mean or you wouldnt be able to read it,yeah i'm crap at spelling and i'm a lazy typer as i type way too fast AND???? who gives a flying fuck if i put wiv instead of with omg strike me down u control freak,if thats all you can say about me ur the one with the problem,and you are not perfect yourself,i have read ur blog and saw spelling errors plus saying { baby daddy} shouldnt that be {baby's daddy} ur not black are you? cos last time i looked u were a ginger ninja so baby daddy makes no sense,i could talk welsh if you would prefer,everyone else knows what i'm saying but you and nobody else gives a shit about how a spell things cos this isnt school and not a spelling test and if it was i would fail ha ha,so not arsed really!!!
vinny said…
yeah the one falling out of a tree!!! does it matter which one?
Sarah♥ said…
My lovely Vinny. Don't worry about it. I don't want you getting pissed off and stop reading my blog :)

vinny said…
no ive got better things to do than argue wiv somebody without a brain cell to rub together,just sticking up for you as this person has treated you like crap and said so many nasty things it makes me angry ♥
vinny said…
i will say goodnight,hope you sleep well,dont let this get you down too much,keep strong and keep smiling,sweet dreams hun x♥x
Sarah♥ said…
Thanks Lovely x
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Sarah♥ said…
But you think it's okay to say this about MY boyfriend...?

GobbleyGoo said...
Here...this should make you feel better about your relationship.

Your boyfriend is with you because he can't do any better. He is NOT attractive. Not even remotely good looking. No one will have him but you.
Sarah♥ said…
I've never insulted your husband and would never dream of it. In fact, i have never disrespected any of your exes, in any way.
vinny said…
yes i only said that to you cos of the message u posted above to sarah cos that was just out of order then you started slamming me on my english grammer i mean wtf has that got to do with anything lol,all as i said was to take a look in the mirror i did not say you both were mingers but i must have hit a raw nerve,anyway enough of arguing with somebody i dont know,you just rattled my cage a bit with the nasty stuff you were saying to sarah.
Sarah♥ said…
Oopsie Emma, i hit reject instead of publish - but this is your comment :)

ShoppingAddict has left a new comment on your post "Santa Pod..":

Out of the woodwork- Hardly.
I just dont plaster my response to Sarah over this blog- I much prefere to do it over the telephone or through Facebook where i have REAL friends.
You really are a joke arnt you.. You just keep making a fool of yourself as right now you have at least 3 people laughing at you! Hahahahahahahaha.

You waffle on about beauty in your last post, well i tend to think beauty starts within, but you my dear are rotton to the core! Urgh...
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Unknown said…
Oh doll i know im not ugly- Far from it, infact im so fabulous i piss glitter so your sly little dig above didnt even dent the surface- You must try harder sweetheart as there aint no chink in this armour.


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