Good morning

I've got up, checked my emails to see yet MORE comments being left by Sarah, she tells me that i have to delete my posts, which SHE started to comment on (that's not going to happen), which had NO relevance to her at all, and that she's now posting stuff on her blog to expose me as the fraud i am. Well, I am not reading and have NO intention of being involved with whatever bullshit that she's writing, however she tells me that a lot of my readers are now hopping over there to take a look, you can make up your own mind. I will NOT get myself into a war of words on her blog - just not going to do it.

All i can say is this - believe what you want to believe.
You all read my blog, most watch my videos.... THIS IS ME. I am who i am.

I'm not a fraud or a fake, i'm just a girl who wants to be able to blog without it being read for "Entertainment" value. What has gone on in the past - IS THE PAST. This is now, and i'm sure you can all see for yourselves that it's not me who is posting all the nasty negative (i'm going to out you as a fraud) bullshit.

That's all.

(BTW - There's a lot you can do with editing dates and comments to make people look bad)

Oh, one last thing. She goes on about how i am madly obsessive about my statcounter (which i've had for YEARS) and why would i have one, yet she let it slip just a little with this comment...

Oh well. I have my blog, and judging by the massive increase in guys are reading it anyway :)

..the ONLY way you'd know that, is if you had a counter on there. Little simple things will out you.


Unknown said…
I find her VERY odd!
It just baffles me why she is sooo persisant towards you...
You live on opposite sides of the world for gods sake.
I love how i got at least 3 mentions on her blog.. I feel all special now, and well to be called a Merseyside illiterate is hilirious!
Love how she talks shit about me on her blog but wont come and say it directly to me, she knows my Email- How ironic.
She is just a drama lama and a little bit obsessed me thinks.
Oh and her little story on the Blog about sean and your Ex is complete Bullshit, again fabricated!! p.s: I havent even mentioned whats on your Blog to Sarah as she genuinely isnt arsed, i just wanted to address that what is on is total fabrication and lies!
MARIE said…
I've been a friend of SarahUK for three decades and i think if anyone knows what kind of person she really is, then it would be me. SarahUK is nothing like what this spitful women is saying. one bit. I don't have the time to make untrue, fabricated lies about her, so this is all i am going to write.

I love you Sarah. Here for you always, ingore her, and one day she might just disappear for good.
vinny said…
omg she is still sending you messages,its getting creepy now the weirdo,ooo does she say anything about me on her blog cos she was slamming me for my english and the way i spoke,i also was born in merseyside shopping addict ;0)
god sarah i can really understand now what u must be going through with this,why should you delete the blogs she commented on?they were not even about her in the first place lol she just started this.
she really seems a total knob shine,do not usually swear but she makes my blood boil with the hurtfull things she said to you,i have never known anyone to be this so obsessive over somebody b4 and all this was 5 years ago,she needs to get over it and move on,have a good day anyone hun despite her xx♥xx
Sarah♥ said…
Hi lovely girl.

I wouldn't know what she's written, i'm not looking at her blog, because then, if i did, i would only have to defend myself from all the fucking lies and it would start all over again. So i have no idea ;) Best that way. What i don't know - won't hurt me.

Luckily, i have a thicker skin than i use to, spending 7 years with an arsehole and going through a shitty divorce did that, so positives DO come out of negatives..

If people choose to believe her, then thats cool, but by apparently saying shit on her blog about me, isn't A) Very mature and B) Sensible...and C) Just shows what kind of person she REALLY is, especially since i've not done anything like that.

Her TRUE personality has come out a treat with some of her comments attacking both you and the gorgeous Emma, oh, and lets not forget what she said about my son and boyfriend too....Truly a lovely lovely girl.
coffeecup said…
I'm a bit behind the times here sweetie because every time I click on your feed the page keeps disappearing. Oh dear, I think I understand a little bit of what's been happening. Just wanted to say that there's enough upset and nastiness in daily life without it spilling out onto the Internet. I always thought that the sense of empathy, community spirit and understanding that existed here was second to none. Seems I've been wholly mistaken regarding the hate campaign apparently directed at you :(

You don't have to explain yourself to anyone nor should you be told what you can and cannot post. I don't read for entertainment value. though sometimes it's hard not to be entertained because you write so beautifully. It would be seriously off putting though if someone was using your life stories to obsess over. Just hope that you're okay gorgeous girl? You'd think with the progress you've made and how inspiring you've been that everybody would be wishing you well. Hate that you've been hurt by a spiteful psycho.

Much love to you beautiful wonderful lady. ((hugs)) x
Sarah♥ said…
Oh my gorgeous lady,

Thank you for your comment, like i said to you about the garden witch, ignoring is the way forward, but it's hard when it sits in your inbox - comment after nasty comment. Yes, direct it at ME, but leave friends and family out of it.

I've not been a saint in the past, but then i reacted like anyone else would after inviting someone into your house only to have every inch of your life pulled apart and laughed about, but on this occasion , i've done nothing wrong apart from asking her to stop reading.

Oh well - she's clearly very bored, let her have her fun... :)

vinny said…
yeah ur right Sarah not to read as whats the point? it will just then carry on and on for god knows how long so ur taking the first step by not reading and not being bothered,so let her read ur blog who cares now as long as she does not keep sending you nasty messages,can you block her from your email?thats what i did with that so called friend i used to talk to from the states,just try and get on with ur nice everyday blogging as usual and try and forget about her,i know it must be hard cos of the things she said about ur son and boyfriends etc but that just shows how cruel she is,and yeah she might have got over agarophobia but not everyone has and she should still have sympathy for those still going through this,she should want to help,not make people worse by laughing at them ;0(
have a lovely day regardless,our weather is shite here and looks like its gonna pour down,chat later luv vin x♥x
Sarah♥ said…
I'm currently watching that Derren Brown show that was on Channel 4 on Wednesday, you should take a look. OMG - It's crazy!

Anonymous said…
awww! Damage control?! So cute. Yes, there is a lot you can do with changing dates etc..., you would know wouldn't you? But don't worry, I posted some screenshots for proof on my blog :)

Its in your hands to stop this Sarah.
Sarah♥ said…
Still here then!?

No Sarah, i've not changed a single day OR modified a single comment, why would i?

Screenshots? Nice work. I wouldn't know. ;)
Anonymous said…
Maybe you won't, but a hell of a lot of your readers do. And all you have is a few measly comments of support.

Its in your hands to stop this Sarah. Is it so hard for you to respect my privacy?

And fyi bright eyes...I said to delete anything thing about ME, posts OR comments. Not delete your posts. Just as I asked you to never talk about me again on your blog. You understand THAT don't you? You GAVE ME YOUR WORD that you would never mention me again just two days ago. And whats this? A post where you are...dun dun dun....talking about me. Shocker. Your "word" obviously has no weight.

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