... :(

Not eaten for two days and i've been in pretty much constant pain for that entire time too. I am exhausted.

Called the emergency doctors last night who said "You've pulled a muscle".......WTF? I know what is wrong with my, it's my fricking gallbladder that has come on due to the stress of the fence kicking. I am really really not happy. Plus, it's typical that it happens now, while my mother is on holiday.



em said…
hope you feel better soon.x
vinny said…
pulled a muscle,dr's are really thick sometimes arnt they,they hate any dr really as they hate it when you tell them what you think it might be as u have researched it online and i'm always right in the end lol
how do you know its ur gallbladder sarah where is the pain? cos i get pain like in the top of my belly like a dull ahce and thats a ulcer due to stress and i also have bad ibs bottom left of tummy due to all that also,sorry ur hurting,can u take any pain killers?you should try and eat something hun as to not make it any worse,drink plenty of water and just try a little bite to eat if you can {{{hugs}}} hope ur feeling a bit better soon x♥x
Sarah♥ said…
My pain in on my right side, up and under the bottom of my ribs, then i get an awful pain up in my right shoulder too. I KNOW it's gallbladder, my step father had gallstones about 15 years ago and the pain/location/everything is exactly the same.

I would rather give birth than have this pain.

Sarah♥ said…
My pain in on my right side, up and under the bottom of my ribs, then i get an awful pain up in my right shoulder too. I KNOW it's gallbladder, my step father had gallstones about 15 years ago and the pain/location/everything is exactly the same.

I would rather give birth than have this pain.

vinny said…
sorry if this posts twice but the stupid thing keeps saying error grrr x

oh it must be that then hun,you should tell that silly dr,can you get anything for it as you cant stay in that pain all the time ;0(
goodnight and hope u have an ok sleep and are not in too much pain or discomfort xxx
Aimee said…
Some Dr.'s are so incredibly dumb! It amazes me how they even got through college. I'm so sorry that you are having these issues with your gallbladder. I have had gallstone attacks one time in my life, and I pray that it never ever happens again. I can honestly say that was one of the most miserable, unbearable pains I have ever endured. I'm so sorry. :(
Sarah♥ said…
Had the doctor round, and i need to have a scan, but that means waiting ages, unless i go to A & E....which is a LONG wait :(


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