I deserve a treat...

As i type this i have a man, drilling countless holes in various walls in my house and fitting.....SKY MULTIROOM!!!! Whoop.

No more *trying* to get a semi-visible picture off the stupid internal aerial, i WILL be able to get ALL Sky channels from the comfort of my BED!!! How fabulous...

...and Stinky is getting FreeSat. Am i a good mum or what???????? Plus, he's getting my almost brand new bedroom TV - and i am getting a new one for downstairs :)


vinny said…
thats great hun,we didnt bother with multi room as too expensive,we just got one of those magic eye things that beems the signal upstairs to our bedroom and it works fine it was only 15 quid for the magic eye thing but you have to watch the same upstairs as downstairs if u get what i mean but with multi room you dont.and nice to treat urself once in a while,my wardrobes come tomoz whoooo,hope you have a brill weekend ♥♥
Aimee said…
That's great!! We only have one tv in our house and it is here in the living room. I'd love to be able to lay in bed and watch some of my favorite reality shows (oh and my ghost hunters!). You certainly do deserve a treat and yes, you are a very good mom! How are you feeling? Is your gallbladder settled down now I hope?
vinny said…
how u getting on wiv ur new multi room,is it cool that u can lie in bed and watch telly all evening,i love being able to do that,i watch tv in bed most nights as i cant sleep.
hope ur feeling a little better today hun? it took us all day yesterday to put some gigantic wardrobes up lol,thought it may have been easier than it was,we probably should have paid the extra 25 quid for them to put them up for us,but all done now and they are ace ;0)
hope ur managing to eat a little now,try and give ur fella a ring and see if you can manage a small sunday dinner with him? i love my roast dinners,do you eat them? i feel a bit shite today as its my nephews christening up north but i turned down the invite cos of my anxiety,makes u feel a bit sad ;0(
anyway get better soon {{{hugs}}} xx♥xx
Sarah♥ said…
Hi there..
Feeling a bit better today. We had a Sunday dinner round my mothers although only veggies for me! As soon as i ate it i have instant pain in the gallbladder area :(
Sarah♥ said…
For the last X years, i've only had an internal aerial which is shite, so i've not bothered watching TV upstairs, now...it's bloody great :)

vinny said…
glad u had a little sunday dinner anyway ;0)
sorry its still hurting,you need to get straight back to the dr's this week then hunny ♥

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