♥ Spricket24

I love watching youtube videos, of ALL kinds. Spricket24 is just too funny - here is her lastest contribution to the world of Vlogging :)


Anonymous said…
Made me laugh - She is gorgeous looking! Who is she?
Sarah♥ said…
Just a youtuber, you should check out her other videos, she's fricking hilarious.

She is rather stunning! Gorgeous hair.
vinny said…
omg that was just bonkers,she is mad lol in a nice way though ;0)
Sarah♥ said…
I would love to have that ability to be that funny - i'm jealous.

Check out her other vids and tell me what you think.

vinny said…
yes i have checked out a few,she should be a comedian she's really nuts isnt she lol,seems a nice person though but very loud and bonkers and i dont know how she gets her words out so fast,i watched a really funny one about stray dogs knocking over trash cans taking her tablets and getting high from them it was just nuts lol xxx
Aimee said…
I soooo wish that I could watch youtube videos. Our town doesn't have high speed internet available yet..grrr. I am on dial up and while it is better than nothing, it can also be a pain in the butt. A highspeed company is supposed to be working on getting us high speed tho, and my husband talked to the manager of the company and he said that by this upcoming week it will be ready to go, so we shall see, I sure am keeping my fingers crossed! We had cable internet at our old house and I miss it sooo badly.

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