Can't believe it....

13 hours and 30 minutes before my boy becomes a senior school student!!!


Jenny said…
What a gorgeous photo, really natural and happy :)

Good luck to the little'un at big school...

Just read your last blog post about the weirdo, sorry to hear that, has she written something mean to you? I don't understand why someone would get a kick out of that, very cowardly and odd.

I'm an occasional lurker and love to read when you're doing well and gettin out there, and sad to read when you're anxious. Just remember for this one bad penny you have many readers you are rooting for you and wishing you love and luck!

Sarah♥ said…
Thank you for lurking Jenny!
I hope he gets on okay tomorrow, he's nervous because he's going to be "little" again, although he's nearly as tall as me!!!!

I love it when i am doing well and can blog positive things, but i am also a realist and honest, so everything comes into it :)

Not said anything to me personally, but left something on her blog saying how she only reads for entertainment. Now, i know she doesn't like me and was only ever a 'friend' because she felt sorry for me because i didn't have any...

Anyway...that's that.

vinny said…
ace photo love ur sunnies,and wow ur son doesnt half look like you too ;0)
he will be fine at big school and make lots of friends,it will be weird for the first few days but then he will be coming home talking about everything he's done and the new people he has met {{good luck to him from me}}
Sarah♥ said…
He looks a lot like me when i was i was younger, although i can see a lot of his biological father in him too, the brown eyes are a giveaway there, since i have blue.

Stinky isn't a talker when it comes to responding to, "What have you done today?". Apart from that he's a right chatterbox, i can hear him talking now - to the cat!

His new school has a boy/girl seating policy, which will be interesting since girls are yucky

Getting up might be a problem. At his junior school he didn't have to get out of bed until 8.15. Now he's got to leave the house at between 8.15-8.20. It's a good 15 minute walk now. That bit worries me a lot. He's a bit of a div when it comes to crossing the road.
vinny said…
has he got any mated from little school that he can go wiv in the morning?and yeah i didnt like boys when i first started high school but that all changed after about 6 months and then i had my first boyfriend,we used to hold hands,never kissed though ha ha and i dumped him after a week and then got with another and it went like that for about 2 years untill it got more serious lol
yeah the younger photos ive seen of you do look a lot like him,does he get to see his real dad then or is he just a dick?
ur son's got an ace smile very cheeky he looks a laugh bet ur dead proud ;0)
cant wait to have one of my own sort of,its only the anxiety and the giving birth the bit that freaks me out but i'm desperate to be a mum,we have already thought of names lol
nite nite sarah sweet dreams ♥
Sarah♥ said…
He's got his best friend, who is the only child in his new class from his old school. He lives about a 10 minute walk from ours, but Stinky will walk to there, then walk to school with him.

I would never slag off his real father, simple reason, it's his dad! He's alright, could try harder if you know what i mean. He has seen Stinky about 5 times since Christmas, but he's married now with 2 more children.

I am MORE than proud of my boy. He's a little drippy, but then, so was i at his age - so, takes after me in that department too.

I didn't worry about giving birth. I knew it had to come out one way or another. No point in worrying. IF i can do it, then anyone can :) Being a mother is THE most rewarding thing in the world, if i've achieved nothing else in my life, raising a son, practically single-handedly is what i will say is my greatest and most rewarding achievement :)

vinny said…
oh glad he has somebody to walk to school wiv thats good.
and great thats he dad is in his life too,ur boy must really look upto you and admire you for bringing him up on ur own as looks like uve done a fantastic job,i wouldnt be able to cope alone so dunno how u did it especially wiv being ill and stuff,ur right it would be a blessing to have a baby and my sis tells me to stop worrying aswell lol but thats just me xx

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