Free from worry.

I am talking about my son, not me!

Even at his age i was already a proper worry-wart. Worrying about everything. Stinky on the other hand is as laid back and as confident as a child could be. There is not a thing in this world that would phase him.

I won't lie, being around Stinky and having panic and agoraphobia i have always be concerned that it would rub off on him (yes, yes, there's still time), but right now, not in the slightest.

When he was taking his S.A.T.S, there is a lot of shit about the children being effected by the stress of it all - my boy, NO STRESS - nothing! Starting big school, did he care? Noooooo. The stacks and stacks of homework? - Nope.

I am really very grateful that he is worry-free, but maybe in time, as he gets older he will learn to 'worry' a bit more... For now, I am happy that he's able to be a happy, happy boy :)

Stinky is in a world of his own, and he's perfectly fine there!!!


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