
My boyfriend got me a beautiful 'commitment' ring. We know he's not into marriage (blah, blah, blah), but this was his own idea and quite frankly i am shocked that he suggested it, because what i talk about on here, i never talk to him about, because i already know the score and he's not the kind of man to be pestered, that's why i get so frustrated. Anyhoo....yay :)


vinny said…
oh wow sarah thats really amazing so is that engeament ring or maybe eternity which means forever obviously so is a commitment ring really? its lovely looking and your nails are so nice,i always end up biting or cutting mine these days,i never used to they always used to be nice but now i can never be bothered lol,you must be over the moon though hun as this proves he wants to stay with you so i'm chuffed for you ;0)
to top it off i think from yesterday i have felt the baby moving?not sure what its meant to feel like but you can't feel it with your hand only i can feel it inside a bit like a fluttering pulse movement?thats what i'm feeling anyway so i dunno lol whoooooo for both of us,nite nite hunny xxx♥xxx
Lisa x said…
That's fantastic! I'm really happy for you.

Hopefully you'll feel more secure about the relationship with him making this gesture. My Mum and Dad have been together 24 years but never got married. My Dad doesn't see the point in things like that lol x
Kaci said…
Aw, it's gorgeous! That's so sweet :)
Sarah♥ said…

A commitment ring means that you're commitment to being together, and engagement ring is committed to getting married. We just want to be together... :)

My nails/hands are shocking. They spent ALL of Monday in bleach, they're brittle and my hands are like sandpaper, i should really moisturise more... bad me...

YES YES YES, those 'fluttering' like a butterfly in your belly IS your baby. SO happy for you.

Sarah xxx
Sarah♥ said…
Lisa - THANK YOU. This is a massive thing for him to do, he's never bought a ring for a girl... so i do feel quite special.. x
Sarah♥ said…
Kaci - isn't it just :)

Flipper said…
what a lovely thing to do and a really pretty ring too :) xxx
Sarah♥ said…
It's more than i ever expected.

How are you doing??

Flipper said…
I'm good thanks, almost 20 weeks now, can't believe it lol :) xx
vinny said…
thats why your nails are dead white them having them in bleach ha ha,i try to keep mine as clean as i can but by the end of the day it always looks like ive been out digging the garden when i havnt lol,your nails are just a lovely shape ;0)
its so nice he has never bought another girl a ring b4 so you must be really special in his eyes,and i'm over the moon that it is the baby,can't wait until they get stronger so my fella can feel them too {{thanks}} xx♥xx
have a fab day its dead sunny here today,so nice like summer ;0)
Sarah♥ said…
20 weeks Flipper..wow!!! Have you had your second scan yet? xxx
Sarah♥ said…

It is nice of him, isn't it!?...lol

Won't be long before your BF starts feeling the baby. My friend seemed to have totally bypassed the fluttering stage and went straight to kicking.., but then...she's always going to be different to everyone else... :)

Flipper said…
not yet, they do them between 22 and 23 weeks here for some reason and i'm going to be just over 23 weeks when i get mine, boo at having to wait! xx
Sarah♥ said…
....something to look forward to though :)

Flipper said…
hehe yeah there is that :) Hope you're enjoying the sunshine today!! I might get the BBQ out this weekend, woohoo :) xx
vinny said…
have a nice day sarah,boiling here so off for a walk to the beach ;0) xxxxxxx

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