It's vlog time...


Anonymous said…
You need to remove the word "can't" from your vocabulary. A few years ago..even a few months ago you have said you "can't" go to London. But you proved that you CAN. It's never that your can''s that you don't want to. That's a choice...good or bad. It's your choice not to try to go, or to go at all. Doesn't mean it's a bad choice, it's just your choice whether it be because you're uninterested, tired, or anxious. It's your choice. There is HUGE weight in what you said about doing things you want to do versus things you don't want...and the anxiety level that goes with it. If you REALLY want to do will do it, anxious or not. Which is how I got over agoraphobia. I just wanted more out of life than being afraid to go to the back of my house or to my mail box 5 feet infront of my house!

Everything is a choice. There is no can't! Having panic attacks for 13+ know by now that panic attacks won't hurt you or kill you. And any embarrassment you've been afraid of has already happened. So...what do you have to lose? Nothing! But you have sooo much to gain. And I am very happy to see that you're doing so well :)
Sarah♥ said…
How did you fight those horrible feelings when you were recovering? Surely at times you wanted to get the hell out of whatever situation you were in that was making you feel like crap. Hope did you cope?

You're right, i know you are. Can't is a shitty word that has been a BIG part of my life. But clearly, I CAN!

Anxiety/panic/whatever is horrible and it feels nasty, but like you said, i've been there and had it a million times before, i know what it feels like, 'sometimes' it throws in a new symptom to scare me some more, but generally the pattern is the same.

I CAN do whatever i want to do....with fear or without, it's whether i really want to.

What i have done, since splitting up with the ex is more than i could have ever imagined. My mother was my safe person, no one else, and i never expected to be able to trust someone like i do her, but i have and it feels amazing to have a bit more of a life without having mum by my side all the time.

Thanks for your comment.
vinny said…
omg ggrrr wrote u out A big long one and it said sorry it would not post,fecking peed off so i'm just gonna say well done and leave it at that as there is no way i'm typing that again booooo
have a fab week hunny xx♥xx

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