Fabulous day in Hampstead.... My friends dad was doing okay today, it was lovely to see him and his wife again!


Tell you something, agoraphobia didn't play a part in my day what-so-ever.... FUCK YOU AGORAPHOBIA!


Clare said…
YEAH WELL DONE SARAH !!! You must feel on top of the world, the smile on your face says it all. Well done, I'm glad you had such a great day (",)
Sarah♥ said…
Can't believe it... I went to London. The last time i went there it was in 1995. It was with the same friend for her 21st birthday.
Shelly said…
Nice Job! I am impressed!
Sarah♥ said…
Thank you x
Flipper said…
woohoo! go Sarah :D xx
Sarah♥ said…
Where's next on my to-go list??? X
Sarah♥ said…
130 miles done today!!!
em said…
really well done, you must be on such a high. x
Sarah♥ said…
Driving in London is certainly an eye-opener, that's for sure. Traffic, traffic and more traffic, along with zero parking....

I feel good....
Thank you Emma xxx
vinny said…
wow sarah well done and you looked so happy,you will be going abroad before you know it,plus you may even be able to get a job wouldnt that be dead cool for,even if it was part time whooo nice one,there is no way i could manage to go to london so you did great hun ;0)
your friends bump is just perfect too,i'm 24 weeks now so ur friend is quite a bit bigger than me but i'll be there soon enough lol,so over the moon for you i really am xx♥xx

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