Back to blogging!
It has been such a very long time since i blogged regularly, and not that there is much going on in my life right now to talk about, there has been changes......
I can't even remember what i have and haven't written about... but i will go back to last August.
.. Sit tight...................
I met a man, he was lovely... we were seeing each other for a couple of months when in November (13th) i found out i was pregnant, it was a massive surprise, scary and left me feeling confused and unsure of my future. I told the man involved and he basically told me to fuck off ... and i haven't heard from him since.
I found out on a Wednesday, i went over to my friends, did a pregnancy test and she also hasn't spoken to me since!!!!!
On the Sunday morning i was getting some quite bad pains and spotting, so i went down to A& E. I was sent to the EPU where i had a scan. Nothing was seen apart from the gestational sac on the screen, so i was told to come back in 2 weeks.......
2 weeks felt like a fricking eternity and my bleeding continued. I went for the scan and again nothing was seen apart from the sac and i was told it could possibly be a 'blighted ovum' and that i had to come back in ANOTHER 2 weeks for another scan.
(Each scan i had was a transvaginal one)
Back to the next scan... and the sac had grown, but still nothing.... :( So i was set a date for another 2 weeks...... During these 2 weeks the bleeding was heavier so i booked a private scan because i was so anxious. I went on a Saturday morning at 9am... I got the SHOCK of my life... The sonographer saw TWINS, identical ones at that, but sadly one didn't have a heart beat...but we did just make out the heat beat of twin #2.... It was a bittersweet moment... My baby was alive but one was gone :(
The next scan i had was on the 18th of December. My babies heart rate was recorded again and everything looked good.................................................
Within 24 hours, i started to miscarry.
I was in AGONY. I was having contractions and the bleeding now was getting even more heavy.... This hell continued until Christmas Eve morning. At 2am i was sitting downstairs because the pain was awful and i felt a 'gush'... i ran upstairs and i had lost a lemon sized clot... I felt awful. Cleaned myself up and went back downstairs. The pain subsided a little after that....However i did develop a horrendous headache...
Christmas Day was okay... Nothing happened apart from the head pain so i stupidly thought THAT was it.....
Boxing Day morning, the hell started. I woke up in so much pain about 4am. I was getting contractions every 3 minutes, then suddenly i felt the urge to push... I crawled upstairs, sat on the loo and i lost SO much blood, literally felt out of me.... Clots n all... It was awful. I felt so ill. I knew at this point i needed to go to hospital but it was too early to call my mum so i waited until 7am. We went straight there and i was seen almost immediately. I was still having contractions every few minutes and after every contraction i was having these massive floods of blood fall out of me...
I was seen by a gyne doctor and she did an internal. She moved the fetal sac along with lots of other 'bits'.. and she also had that hopefully that would slow the bleeding. I got off the bed and it looked like a massacre.. There was so much blood.... and as i stood there getting dressed, and i was gushing blood all over the floor....... :( I got my clothes on, ran to the loo and lost MORE clots and more blood. Thankfully, after i had the internal the pain subsided... I had my vitals one and my BP was too low and my heart rate was too fast. I was put on a drip for a couple of hours... After that had finished going through i was sent up to the EPU unit to be monitored... I was told that i needed to pee in a pain so they could see what i was losing... NOT ONCE did they check..... I went FOUR times before anyone checked.. FINALLY they let me home, but i was told i had to come back for another scan in the morning.
Feeling exhausted from the previous days hell, i got up and went for my scan, only to be told even after everything that i had been through the day before i STILL had stuff left that needed to come away. I was given 3 options. Wait for it to come away on it's own. Have a medical managed miscarriage (given something to stimulate the cervix) or an operation (D&C). It took me about a millisecond to choose. I didn't wait to prolong this hell anymore. I didn't want to go through any more pain... so my definite and instant answer was the operation. The operation was then scheduled for 2 days later...
Morning of the operation i obviously couldn't eat or drink anything which didn't help this monster headache i had now had for almost 2 weeks. I was sent to wait in a waiting room, which had lovely reclining chairs and was told i would be called through. At this point my head was SO bad i could barely see and i was actually crying in pain. I was taken to a cubical and was given all the details of what would happen during the operation, my vitals were taken again (BP was still stupidly low) and was told to go and get changed because i was first on the afternoon list.
A lovely man came to get me, he had a bed there waiting for me to get on, but i couldn't despite my head being agony i decided to walk down to theater. (It was further than i thought). After what felt like an eternity of walking, we reached the anesthesia room... I got on the bed and begged the doctor to give me something for my head. He put a cannula in my hand.... and i said "Wow... I didn't feel that, you're good".. and he replied "You've got good veins".... and in my headache delirium i replied "This isn't any time to flirt with me doctor"........ Even in my head pain hell i managed to crack a joke! He then started injecting me with something and he said that THIS will help your head.. and within seconds my headache was gone, it felt amazing... I asked if that was a premed and he said yes, and a pain killer... it was so nice, pain was gone. Next thing i remember i was in the recovery room, on ANOTHER drip because during the op my BP had dropped even more :( I sat in (the first) recovery for about an hour, having my BP checked every 10 mins... I was then moved to the second recovery area, where i was given tea and toast. I was STARVING and so thirsty... I have never had toast taste so good....
The weeks following were just as bad as the weeks previous. My headache returned. Even worse, i was still losing shit loads of blood and THEN to top things off, i developed alopecia from the stress of it all... Yep... I went bald, on the top of my head.... Because my hair was parted in the middle, it was really noticeable.... so i had to do THIS.................
Had all my hair cut off, so i could cover up the bald patch :( :( :( I was gutted............
However, i am liking it more now.... :)
So, that is about it... I have typers cramp. I will leave you with one more pic. It was me yesterday. I went for a walk with my mum and puppies.. Managed 2 miles...........
I can't even remember what i have and haven't written about... but i will go back to last August.
.. Sit tight...................
I met a man, he was lovely... we were seeing each other for a couple of months when in November (13th) i found out i was pregnant, it was a massive surprise, scary and left me feeling confused and unsure of my future. I told the man involved and he basically told me to fuck off ... and i haven't heard from him since.
I found out on a Wednesday, i went over to my friends, did a pregnancy test and she also hasn't spoken to me since!!!!!
On the Sunday morning i was getting some quite bad pains and spotting, so i went down to A& E. I was sent to the EPU where i had a scan. Nothing was seen apart from the gestational sac on the screen, so i was told to come back in 2 weeks.......
2 weeks felt like a fricking eternity and my bleeding continued. I went for the scan and again nothing was seen apart from the sac and i was told it could possibly be a 'blighted ovum' and that i had to come back in ANOTHER 2 weeks for another scan.
(Each scan i had was a transvaginal one)
Back to the next scan... and the sac had grown, but still nothing.... :( So i was set a date for another 2 weeks...... During these 2 weeks the bleeding was heavier so i booked a private scan because i was so anxious. I went on a Saturday morning at 9am... I got the SHOCK of my life... The sonographer saw TWINS, identical ones at that, but sadly one didn't have a heart beat...but we did just make out the heat beat of twin #2.... It was a bittersweet moment... My baby was alive but one was gone :(
The next scan i had was on the 18th of December. My babies heart rate was recorded again and everything looked good.................................................
Within 24 hours, i started to miscarry.
I was in AGONY. I was having contractions and the bleeding now was getting even more heavy.... This hell continued until Christmas Eve morning. At 2am i was sitting downstairs because the pain was awful and i felt a 'gush'... i ran upstairs and i had lost a lemon sized clot... I felt awful. Cleaned myself up and went back downstairs. The pain subsided a little after that....However i did develop a horrendous headache...
Christmas Day was okay... Nothing happened apart from the head pain so i stupidly thought THAT was it.....
Boxing Day morning, the hell started. I woke up in so much pain about 4am. I was getting contractions every 3 minutes, then suddenly i felt the urge to push... I crawled upstairs, sat on the loo and i lost SO much blood, literally felt out of me.... Clots n all... It was awful. I felt so ill. I knew at this point i needed to go to hospital but it was too early to call my mum so i waited until 7am. We went straight there and i was seen almost immediately. I was still having contractions every few minutes and after every contraction i was having these massive floods of blood fall out of me...
I was seen by a gyne doctor and she did an internal. She moved the fetal sac along with lots of other 'bits'.. and she also had that hopefully that would slow the bleeding. I got off the bed and it looked like a massacre.. There was so much blood.... and as i stood there getting dressed, and i was gushing blood all over the floor....... :( I got my clothes on, ran to the loo and lost MORE clots and more blood. Thankfully, after i had the internal the pain subsided... I had my vitals one and my BP was too low and my heart rate was too fast. I was put on a drip for a couple of hours... After that had finished going through i was sent up to the EPU unit to be monitored... I was told that i needed to pee in a pain so they could see what i was losing... NOT ONCE did they check..... I went FOUR times before anyone checked.. FINALLY they let me home, but i was told i had to come back for another scan in the morning.
Feeling exhausted from the previous days hell, i got up and went for my scan, only to be told even after everything that i had been through the day before i STILL had stuff left that needed to come away. I was given 3 options. Wait for it to come away on it's own. Have a medical managed miscarriage (given something to stimulate the cervix) or an operation (D&C). It took me about a millisecond to choose. I didn't wait to prolong this hell anymore. I didn't want to go through any more pain... so my definite and instant answer was the operation. The operation was then scheduled for 2 days later...
Morning of the operation i obviously couldn't eat or drink anything which didn't help this monster headache i had now had for almost 2 weeks. I was sent to wait in a waiting room, which had lovely reclining chairs and was told i would be called through. At this point my head was SO bad i could barely see and i was actually crying in pain. I was taken to a cubical and was given all the details of what would happen during the operation, my vitals were taken again (BP was still stupidly low) and was told to go and get changed because i was first on the afternoon list.
A lovely man came to get me, he had a bed there waiting for me to get on, but i couldn't despite my head being agony i decided to walk down to theater. (It was further than i thought). After what felt like an eternity of walking, we reached the anesthesia room... I got on the bed and begged the doctor to give me something for my head. He put a cannula in my hand.... and i said "Wow... I didn't feel that, you're good".. and he replied "You've got good veins".... and in my headache delirium i replied "This isn't any time to flirt with me doctor"........ Even in my head pain hell i managed to crack a joke! He then started injecting me with something and he said that THIS will help your head.. and within seconds my headache was gone, it felt amazing... I asked if that was a premed and he said yes, and a pain killer... it was so nice, pain was gone. Next thing i remember i was in the recovery room, on ANOTHER drip because during the op my BP had dropped even more :( I sat in (the first) recovery for about an hour, having my BP checked every 10 mins... I was then moved to the second recovery area, where i was given tea and toast. I was STARVING and so thirsty... I have never had toast taste so good....
The weeks following were just as bad as the weeks previous. My headache returned. Even worse, i was still losing shit loads of blood and THEN to top things off, i developed alopecia from the stress of it all... Yep... I went bald, on the top of my head.... Because my hair was parted in the middle, it was really noticeable.... so i had to do THIS.................
Had all my hair cut off, so i could cover up the bald patch :( :( :( I was gutted............
However, i am liking it more now.... :)
So, that is about it... I have typers cramp. I will leave you with one more pic. It was me yesterday. I went for a walk with my mum and puppies.. Managed 2 miles...........