Have you ever...

...been so in love, it actually hurts?

I NEVER ever thought that i would love anyone like i loved my ex husband...despite the things he said to me, the way he treated me, the things he did to me, i honestly thought the sun shone out of his arse....HOWEVER...i know that wasn't love, i didn't love him, i was scared, scared to be alone. How would i ever cope financially, how would i cope being on my own? And the answer to that is.....VERY VERY NICELY THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!

My boyfriend...is so lovely. He's perfect....well, not quite, but who is? He's caring, thoughtful, loving, HE LOVES ME...i KNOW he loves me. He's affectionate, fucking gorgeous, he's uber sexy...he watches my shit films with me, he's brilliant with my boy...he is EVERYTHING. He's so special to me. I adore him. Absolutely 100%, completely and utterly head over heals in love. PROPER love. Not scared to be alone love, not scared i won't cope in love, not any of that - IN LOVE - Plain and simple. I LOVE HIM.

This is my decleration of being IN LOVE with my boyfriend.


em said…
im so glad you have found a person that you love and are loved back. what touched me the most, is that he treats your boy good. what more could you want. xxx

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