What do you do...

..when you REALLY have exhausted ALL ways of recovering?

I've read 20+ books, i've tried the medication, i've had therapy...i've TRIED going out more, but the fear STILL beats me, every-fucking-time.

Is there ever a point when you should say - fuck it...cannot be arsed to fight any more???


Anonymous said…
I know exactly where you're coming from, and I've felt like that way too many times. Just remember what you said in your blog description - "the only way is up". Keep fighting!
Lisa x said…
You can't give up and deep down I don't think you want to give up. Some days/weeks/months are harder than others and it's hard to keep going when you feel like you're getting nowhere but you have lots of reasons to keep fighting. Think about the worse your anxiety has ever been, are you that bad now?

When I first became agoraphobic I couldn't move from my bedroom, it was horrendous! Now on a bad day the worst that happens is I don't go past my garden. It took ages for me to realise that this was still an improvement, it may not be much but it's better than being confined to a bedroom!

I think what i'm trying to say (lol) is even though it feels like you're getting nowhere even the smallest things you can do are all a step in the right direction.

Have you read Claire Weekes: Essential help for your nerves? Like you i've tried loads of books but this has been the only one which I can relate to.

Good Luck x
Sarah♥ said…
Hi. Thanks for your comments.

Phil - Thank you. Sometimes i do get worn down :(

Firstly, Lisa, wow..what a beautiful women you are!!! I don't want to give up, i really don't but i feel so crap. I hate living like this. I hate living within the 4 wall that i see day in and day out...

em said…
im sure you will carry on, someday anxiety will leave you. dont give up. xxx
Amy said…
It's always worth fighting. But it's okay to take breaks to breathe in between too! And keep on searching for help! I've recently been put on a new medication even though my old doctor told me I'd exhausted the list of medications and am doing okay on them.

Hang in there xxx
Ruby said…
I think we all feel the same at times.

I know I go through stages of thinking I will just give up and accept whatever happens.

But then like Lisa said, I look back to where I was - and realise I have come a long way in very small steps.

Just know it is a natural process on the road to recovery - regardless of what you are battling.

Keep your ski trip in your thoughts, what an awesome step forward :)

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