
With his permission i am posting a new picture. I would like you to meet my gorgeous boyfriend....

Today i had to go and have a scan at the hospital. Yes, we followed my mum, but it is 20 minutes away - so that IS something.
Then on the way home we were going to go to the farm and see the animals, but because of the pouring rain, i said "NO WAY!"...
From friend and i drove home alone....without ma....about 5 minutes.... :) :) :)

I am beyond happy today...
He got the day off to come with me...
He's gorgeous...


Drew said…
Look at you all happy and everything! Good for you Sarah. You deserve every minute of it. Things are really looking up for you!
Sarah♥ said…
Thanks Drew..
I am still very up and down...but today its a definite UP!

em said…
i think these small trips, will turn into bigger things. i think your wise to take them instead of leaping in at the deep end. things will work out im sure. good luck.x
coffeecup said…
Fabulous!!! It's just a joy to read about your happiness. Woo hoo!

I think your confidence is going to just grow and grow. It's lovely to see you with him Sarah, you look so comfortable and content with that beaming smile :-)

Amy said…
Awww. That's awesome!
Emma said…
Waves at Sean. Hi Sean............

And good 4 u Sarah. xx
Sarah♥ said…
Alice...You're right. It's going to take time to get normal - but all these things i am doing are heading in the right direction and that is what matters to me.

Thank you for your comment.

Sarah♥ said…
Steph..Hope you are well beautiful.

We had the most lovely time together. He came over Tuesday evening, met me in Sainsburys at 5 and he stayed until this morning. I love being with someone who is funny and happy AND who is nice to me...

I am beaming :)

Sarah♥ said…


Sarah♥ said…
I'm sure he'd be waving back :)


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