LOVE this little man...

We took a little ride to see BG yesterday... It's always a pleasure to see my friend, but now, we have the added bonus of seeing 18 week old Baby G. He was making all kinds of cooing noises, along with laughing...smiling, rolling, all that good stuff.... He's gorgeous, what more can i say?


vinny said…
ahhh he looks so cute,bet he is learning loads of things now.
Teegan is nearly 9 weeks old,she is smiling and making cooing noises,she pushes with her feet but can't roll or anything yet or laugh only smile but i'm sure it will all come soon enough,i put her on a tummy time mat to strengthen her tummy and neck to teach her to crawl but that's ages away yet,hope ur friend is doing better with him now as i know you said she was sooo tired when he was first born,teegan is sleeping a bit better at night now xxx
Sarah♥ said…
His learning loads of things... He's absolutely gorgeous... :)

All babies are so different, you can't compare one to the other. However, i think within mother and baby groups there is an awful lot of competitiveness which isn't good.

How are you feeling?


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