I LOVE.....

jazz, brandy and coke, Hawaiian Pizza, Sex and the City, bubble baths and candles..... ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
Slightly confused now by this dramatic turnaround! so lets get this right? On Wednesday you are "desperate to feed myself, "FORCED a tiny bit of dinner down my mouth" and now it's "brandy and coke, hawaiian pizza" !!!!!!
Sarah♥ said…
Yes, you're correct. After stepping on the scale and weighing under 6st I knew I HAD to eat regardless of nausea or pain. Luckily my son was staying out last night so I got tipsy and managed to eat a slice of Hawaiian Pizza and i enjoyed it. Stop analysing and 'trying' to catch me out.
Miss F said…
that sounds nice ! i just have to learn to take my laptop into the bath so i can do that too :-) Glad you had some food !

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