I'm dying.

I really and truly believe i am.

I'm struggling to do anything today without a tremor or a twitch. My tongue is barely moving, it's STILL in agony and of course 'burning tongue' is just yet another symptom of the onset of Bublar ALS which i have to say, is the worst and most rapid type to have. About an inch from the tip of my chin back toward my throat hurts so bad too....

I am not testing my hands or legs today, i can feel them buzzing - buzzing through my whole body. My tongue AT REST is definitely fasculating/tremoring and it's not smooth and flat, it's fatter one side than it is the other (ATROPHY).

I'm a dead women.


Anonymous said…
This is hilarious!
Anonymous said…
Well,it's not hilarious, but it is very concerning especially as you are responsible for a young man who needs a supportive mother. This obsessing about symptoms and dreaming up illnesses that you might have are very damaging for those people around you, because clearly you are completely wrapped up in yourself and your imagined illnesses.

You should get some help. Maybe see a psychiatrist. I can't work out if any part of this is genuine or if it is, out and out, attention-seeking.

Social services may have to look out for your son if you are as incapable as all these blog entries suggest.
Sarah♥ said…
My son is fine. He's looked after.

Attention seeking is the last thing on my mind. Tell that to my arm/hand that's not working properly, or my throat that won't swallow, or the constant tremors/twitching and vibrations, or the legs that shake when I'm standing up or the arm that shakes when using it, or the fingers that have no strength in them any more. I'm really dying.
Anonymous said…
Sarah, Please call a Doctor or at the very least the Mental Health Team and get some help for yourself. My hear goes out to you suffering like this. Sending you hugs xxx
Sarah♥ said…
There is nothing he can do until I have the EMG.
vinny said…
i would just go the dr and demand them to see you and do something as it's getting really bad hun,do you think it could be something else like very very severe anxiety panic symptoms that uve never had b4? wish i could help xxxxxxxx
WillowKat11 said…
Hi Sarah, i hope this is nothing but just bad anxiety symptoms (yes they can be that bad), the best thing you can do for yourself is make sure you are eating ok, if not, yes the anxiety will get worse. When i say eating well i mean as healthy as you possibly can, greens and home cooked meals if possible. I remember when i could hardly get out of bed and had to hold on to the wall due to dizziness and it was all anxiety doing it, i would be in the middle of making breakfast and would run back to bed due me being in such bad shape anxiety wise and bad virtigo, this still happens when i drive. You have to believe you are well before the anxiety gets better so i hope any appointments you have with doctors or anyone else can give you the proof of that, that is one big piece of advice i was given, if you don't believe it is just anxiety then the anxiety will feed more anxiety etc. Hope it is not anything real but believe it before the diagnose you with anything just yet xo. I
Jill said…
I think it's probably anxiety and maybe something like chronic fatigue. I really, really doubt it's ALS.

I hope you're feeling better real soon.

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