
The stress is getting to me. I am desperate to feed myself, to keep myself healthy, but i just can't. My body doesn't want food and just the thought of eating right now is making me want to be physically sick. I FORCED a tiny bit of dinner down my mouth but it was awful...i really thought i was going to be sick. This is NOT good. I am getting fed up with this now.

Still constantly scanning my body for irregular chances, driving myself MORE mad than i already am.


Charlotte Ca said…
Your symptoms sound exactly what I had 3 years ago.I had almost everything you have described, and I had lots of tests, which came back showing I was very seriously low in B12 and iron, which resulted in me having to have injections. I was hospitalised.
I was hardly ever eating nor sleeping and was very thin, (I was malnourished) and it made my anxiety really bad and I was having panic attacks constantly and being sick and feeling sick. I had no strength to stand let alone anything else.I truly thought I was dying. My body shook constantly.
Low B12 levels affect the nervous system. The iron deficiency caused my tongue to really sore and swollen.shelou
Maybe this is what you could have?
Whatever it is however, I hope you soon get some answers and that your test results are back soon.
I hope you soon start to feel a lot better.
Anonymous said…
Hope you get some answers to this soon Sarah. Hang in there lovely lady. xxx
vinny said…
you need some answer soon hun for peace of mind,i'm very low on b12 too and on high dosage 3 a week tablets from the dr,never had those symptoms like you though so wish i could help but can't soz,my knee's are in agony everyday,well all my joints really but least i know its hyper mobility syndrome now,just hope it doesnt take bloody 13 years for you to get to the bottom of yours,big hugs xxxxxxcripin

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