What makes me sick..

..are people who make it blatantly clear that they don't like me, but STILL read about my life...everyday - without fail! What is that all about? If a person makes the decision not to be a friend and is quite honestly sick and tired of my tails of woe, and my constant "Pity parties", and possibly because i am ever so slightly mental/stupid/fucked in the head, whatever.... then why don't they just DO ONE!

I refuse to make my blog private because of said person...just a little bit of respect please. I don't interfere in your life, why? Because i don't give a crap about what you're doing - so just go. Get on with your life and stop reading about mine. Do you have nothing better to do?? ;) *YAWN*

You chose to have nothing more to do with me...and i am MORE than happy with that. It took me all of 35 seconds to mourn the loss of that 'friendship' IF you can even call it that, so have closure, my love and go, once and for all...



TMLfans.ca said…
Hey Sarah - don't sweat the idiots who troll the internet.

I love reading your updates!

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