
One thing as a person with a long term eating disorder is that i got over the constant obsessive weighing myself, and just went with how my clothes felt. At my skinniest i am not kidding it would be every half an hour.... How bad is that?

At Christmas time i purchased a new "Weight Watchers" scale...the kind that checks your BMI/Water/Fat....etc. I've used it once since i had it, the boyfriend used it a couple of days ago, so it's not had much use at all.

This morning i got 'the urge' to see what i weighed. I KNOW i had put on weight recently because of the amount of good food i've been eating :)

..I strip down and jump on. I weighed 6 st 13 3/4 lb (97lb)... just under 7st, with a BMI of 17.9. Personally i think this weight is good for a short arse... I am short, very short, but at the end of the day, i am eating good things, nothing is forbidden or scary any more. When i went to my friends yesterday we had a cup of tea and a big ole slice of a M & S Victoria Sponge which i (HIGHLY) recommend... So yeah... numbers on the scale don't bother me too much these days, it's how tight the skinny jeans feel.

I don't like weighing myself because it could possibly trigger bad eating habits again, but maybe, just maybe those days are over?


em said…
good news sarah, and very good news you ate the sponge cake, mmmmmm. x
Sarah♥ said…
Thank you x

Hope you're well :)

*Normally* i wouldn't eat cake at 10.30 in the morning, but it was a special occasion and i thought - it would be rude if i didn't ;)

vinny said…
thats great news hun,wow i don't think ive weighed that sinse i was about 18 lol would love to get back down to about 8 stone after having the baby that would be good ;0)
sooo glad u can eat what you like now without worrying over it,shows u must have got loads better ♥

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