The boyfriends phobia

My boyfriend has had a phobia of needles (blood taking) since he was 14 (bad experience). He is 42 on Tuesday, so for a VERY long time. He's managed over the years only to have ONE blood test, and that was when he was 17, so since then, no needle activity in his arms!

Even before our trip to the doctors on Monday he'd got an appointment to see a hypnotherapist, we knew the outcome of the doctors visit would be for him to have a blood test.

He came away from the hypnotherapy appointment feeling like 'Superman' (in his words). He felt like he could definitely have one day. Me being ever the sceptic (after my sessions of hypnotherapy) was a little concerned with the elation he was feeling, because I too had that feeling and after it came the panic and anxiety. However, for my boyfriend he remained Superman.

This morning at 8.30, he took himself off to the hospital (i couldn't go because he wouldn't be able to get me back home before work) and had the test. I AM SO PROUD OF HIM.

...... > HOWEVER........

Despite how proud i feel, i can't help feeling how pathetic i am. He was terrified of needles. I couldn't even talk about my blood test, he couldn't look at one on the television, nothing, and in ONE single session he faced his fear head on and did it. WHY the hell can't i????

What is wrong with me??

13 years now of agoraphobia....This is too much.


vinny said…
i think we are all different and take to things in a different way hun,ive never been to one myself but would like to try at some point,my fella is 100% the same as urs,he hates talking about it,won't watch it on tv,he comes with me but looks away,so it will be funny when i give birth cos him and blood don't mix,i'm different,i can even watch myself give blood it doesnt bother me really lol,glad ur fella went through with it though good on him ;0) ♥

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