I am so grateful..

...for not being as mental as i use to be especially on days like today! Okay, yes, i am still very agoraphobic, but no where near as bad as i was and that is good - right!?

Started off with me waking up at 5am...not great. It was one of those occasions where you're paranoid you are going to over sleep.... My body made sure that wasn't going to happen! Got up, got Stinkys breakfast, the boyfriend left to go and get ready and i had a bath in preparation of my privacy being invaded AKA - THE COLPOSCOPY!

Boyfriend arrived back at mine around 9.10. My appointment was as 9.40. This made me anxious thinking that we weren't going to make it. Finding a car park space is pretty hard at this new hospital. As it goes we drove into the multi-story and there was one right in front of us. Walked in, signed in and our first stop was the new cafe. We consumed two rather delightful Americanos! (May i add, my boyfriend is being REALLY generous at the moment, never been so spoilt, not in flashy material goods, just in everyday stuff, like food/he bought me a frying pan....general shit). Sat in the waiting area for about 2 minutes and my name popped up on the screen. I forgot how long the walk is from the waiting area to the ward. We sat down and spoke to a really lovely old Portuguese couple for a few minutes until i was called in. Straight away i was asked if i minded a student being in the room... Nah - the more the merrier! Got my clothes off and sat on the big old chair, then the problems began. I had the ordeal of them not being able to find my cervix...Where is it!??? Playing hide-n-seek i reckon. Smear test done - fabulous, not a problem. Then she informs me that there are several cervical polyps that need to be removed. She asked one of the other assistants to find her the tool for the removal but it wasn't there. The student was sent away in search of said tool - however she had no idea they were or even looked like. Basically i am sat there, legs akimbo for at least 5 minutes! Not much fun. Polyps removed the colposcopy is finished... Not soon enough for my liking...I was in there for about 20 minutes.

From there we went off to see Miss Pregnant. Spent quite a while chatting/hovering/getting in the loft for her.

2 weeks and 5 days left....

Friends gorgeous cat - "Dennis".

The boyfriend with his hair cut off.... Only been waiting for .... oohhh, a year or more.

Took my friend into the town and dropped off a birthday present to the boyfriends niece. Driving home we follow his brother down the road and stopped round theirs for a cuppa. We were running a little late at this point as we needed to get home for a hypnotherapy appointment for the boyfriend.

While i was waiting to go out again, i call my doctor to get results of a blood test i had done last Wednesday. Everything was fine....apart from my glucose levels which were high. Apparently i am waiting for a letter that they've already sent me to see what happens next. I was shocked about that.

Fast forward to 4.10. The boyfriend had to see the doctor about his blood pressure. They sent him away with a form for a blood test and to have an ECG done.

After that...(BTW - i am getting tired by now, busy day!!!), we went up to Comet where i bought him >THIS< for his birthday next Tuesday. Very happy i finally found him something he wanted.

...then home time. And relax.

See what i mean about thankful i am not as mental as i use to be. 18 months ago i wouldn't have been able to any of that without my mother....My boyfriend is a very good substitute. :) :) :)



lotte said…
Well....18 months ago you would have struggled to do all that in a month, never mind a day....

SARAH....YOU ARE AMAZING....and no were near as 'mental' as you were *smiles*

HOnestly I cnat believe how far you have come....showing the old posts from 2 years ago....just shows how far you have come....funnily when i re read them it felt like only yesterday you had written them....time has flown so quickly...and you my beautiful lady have moved with it :)

I love you lots xoxoxox
vinny said…
went to answer this the other day and did a really long one but it wouldn't post,sick of that happening,so just gonna say hiya love the pics and hope ur friend goes in soon ;0) x♥x

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