...And now...

...Harold Camping has predicted the end of the world (again) for tomorrow.... For fucks sake.... If i wasn't mental enough already and just about recovered from the May's prediction, i've got to do it all over again............. Seriously panicking now!


Anonymous said…
Seeing as he was wrong last time and is obviously a nutter I don't know why you worry. Nobody else takes any notice so neither should you.

About your dad ignoring your son, it's unfortunate but happens all the time. Your son does not need him because he has you. I wouldn't make a big deal of it in case it upsets him. Just laugh it off.
Miss F said…
Dont worry about your dad, my dad ignores me because 'agoraphobia and panic disorder are pretend!' the above comment is right, your son has you, and i would imagine that you are also a great inspiration to him and you love and crae for him so much xxx

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