I'm all about the recommendations...

..and i am about to 'big up' my radio....again! It's the PURE EVOKE FLOW, if you don't remember... I think i paid £149.99 for it about a year ago, but you can get it cheaper than that now.. :)

Thing is, i am a terrible sleeper and after finding this radio had 'Ambient' sounds on it, we moved it from the kitchen to my bedroom, however, until last night, i'd never used it to help me sleep.

I was wide awake at 11.20 and i knew today was going to be an early/busy day, so i put it on and started searching through the sounds. I found one called cicadas at sunset, put on the timer for 30 minutes, and i believe within 3-4 minutes i was asleep...

I would give this radio a FIVE STAR recommendation...

Not only the obvious fantastic sounds, there are also all the stations around the world you could possibly think of. A-MAZ-ING - go on, treat yourself :)


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