On the journey...
...back to crazy town! Despite having the EMG test done that came back normal (only took 20 minutes or so, so i am thinking NOT long enough to get good readings), i am still have real issues with speaking and swallowing, so i believe i have Bulbar ALS which starts with the tongue.. Oh good grief.... I am STILL twitching over my entire body, i have denting in my hand which i think is atrophy.... i can't go through this all over again! I've just read that jaw/teeth chattering (check, no i am not cold it just happens), abnormal startle reflex (check. If i am startled i get the feeling of an electric shock through my body), feeling food go down really slowly (check), inability to swallow at times (check, it's like i go to swallow and i just can't), brisk reflexes in the deep tendons (check) are all signs..........great!!!!