My updated list of things that piss me off....

I was in Sainsburys yesterday doing my shopping and something happened which made me rethink my list of things that piss me off... So in no particular order.....

1) People who have NO manners.  PLEASE/THANK YOU/SORRY... Easy.
2) Two faced fuck heads.
3) People who don't give way to the RIGHT ... GIVE WAY TO THE RIGHT!
4) Old people.  Not all.  Most though.  They are SO rude.  I was rammed yesterday by a womens trolley, she must have been in her 70's, she was walking fine, i checked for walking aids, there was nothing.... she KNEW she'd rammed me because her trolley was stuck on my ankle bone.. did she say sorry?  Did she fuck!  RUDENESS!!!!!!
5) Queue jumpers.
6) Untidiness.
7) People who leave skids down the back of the toilet... If you make a mess - clean it!
8) People who judge others when they are NOT perfect themselves.  Until YOU are perfect, shut the fuck up!!!!!
9) Commitmentphobes.
10) People who think they are better than others.
11) Fakery.

That's it for now... I know there is more.....but i am busy!!


Sociopath said…
I don't say sorry, thank you or excuse me very much, saying that makes me feel worse about myself for some reason. Social phobia is a bitch.
Sarah♥ said…
I get rammed and say sorry... I get a door closed on my face and say sorry.... I say sorry ALL the time!
Sociopath said…
I wish I was like you :-)
Sarah♥ said…
Ha! Funny... ;)

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