A lamp post further...

The walk that i went on with my friend the other day, was good. He left me this morning and said "How about trying to go for a walk today while Stink is at school?"..."Yeah, yeah" i said!!! After i had done my exercises i got dressed and took the dog out. There were a couple of 'breathless' moments, but it didn't go any further than that. I did the exact same walk that i did with him...BUT...i went a lamp post further...that's good, right? I did the letterbox, no problem today. I am really proud of myself....i AM trying now...i think it's plain to see to anyone who is reading this, that small changes are happening :)



em said…
fresh tomatoes, mmmmm. i can almost smell and taste them.
you garden looks great too. is that honeysuckle i can spot in the borders? i love the fragrance, espically on a hot summers night.
Sarah♥ said…
Hi...hope you're okay :)

I love tomatoes..last year they weren't so great, i am hoping they'll be better this time.

My honeysuckle...yes, it's massive. For the last 3 weeks the smell has been absolutely amazing, you walk about my back door and it hits you. I think it's just coming to the end of flowering now. Shame.

I'm thinking about getting some Jasmine, that smells wonderful too.

Drew said…
The garden looks great!

I LOVE these entries. The effort you're making is shining right through and you sound so upbeat and confident as a result. Keep at it, chickie. You're doing great! ;-)

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