..what a fuckwit

Two days ago i sent Arsewipe an email saying that maybe i couldn't be arsed to do the divorce, because after all - it IS him that wants it...so why should i do him a favour and save him the costs and pay for it??? So anyway, i get a response today basically saying that if i don't do it, i won't get my mums money that he owes.

Even out of a relationship he is still being a cock and threatening me like he always did. "IF YOU DON'T DO THIS - I WILL LEAVE"...."IF YOU DON'T DO THAT - I WILL LEAVE"....what a shit head!!!!!!!

I have filled out the forms and i am sending them off today.

More than mad...more than angry!


coffeecup said…
My word! He's such a bully isn't he? It infuriates me when people use blackmail and manipulation to get what they want. He's exactly like my ex. He left me penniless Sarah, it's taken four years to clear my overdraft thanks to him cleaning out my account. He didn't give a shit either. I reckon if it means risking him not paying you back then go for it and let him do the divorce work. He'll just keep using this as a weapon and you can't guarentee your mum will get her dues. Grrr!! I'm angry too now! lol!
Sarah♥ said…
I can't risk that. I've done all the papers and i am going to post them in about.....10 minutes!
S said…
$100 says his twit of a lawyer told him that you should file divorce so that the pity falls on him so that if you ever go for money they'll look down on you.

What a douche bag.
Amy said…
Sorry you're having trouble with him :( Do you think there's much chance you'll get your money back anyway though? Maybe he's just going to keep using it as a weapon and you'll never see it.

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