What i have learnt from 2009.

I have the best mother and son in the world.

Surround yourself with non-judgemental people.


Someone saying they love you, doesn't in fact mean, they do!

People will do EVERYTHING they can to bring you down.

Some people have delusions of grandeur. Think they are a whole lot better than you, when really...they are just a big fat joke.

Some people are so fucked up, they think you work like they do. When...excuse me...no i do not!!

Regardless of mentalness, some people just don't give a shit and WILL love you..., care about you and make life as good as possible.

Sometimes fighting for a cause, is absolutely pointless.

Sex on fire is my favourite song of the year - GO KINGS OF LEON!

Marriage = bullshit.

Divorce = GOOD!

My friends, the new friends i have had to build from scratch over the last couple of years are wonderful...all the others who have disappeared for whatever reason...lol...see ya!!!!!

I have renewed my love for Take That...lol

Loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do.

Accepting yourself is also pretty damn tough.

Gossiping is wank. Get a fucking life.

The best thing i have bought this year, is my new TV. It's big...not that big, i only have a small house, but bigger than the 20" i did have..

Spending money DOES make you happy and it aslo makes you have a lovely new house, all clean and tidy. Buying clothes helps too :)

My boyfriend has made me happier in the last 6 months, than my ex ever did.

My best friend will always be my best friend. 20 years...

Not all men are arseholes.

Life IS good...

..but at times, not so good. Learn to live and accept. Ups and downs, that's how it is.

I've been broody.

I've been depressed.

I have thought i'd be better off not being here many times.

Smoking isn't good...(MUST STOP)

I do have panic attacks, agoraphobia, countless other issues, i don't have boobs, or a nice face/body...but i am a bloody funny person, i make people laugh...and that counts, i know it does.

My dog IS nuts..so is my son.

It's okay NOT to dry all the washing up straight away.

Rocket salad is goooood!

..so is onion gravy.

[Thats all for now, if you want me to add anything else...comment me and i will add it with your name next to it]


Robert said…
That's a pretty good list. So I've nothing to add :D

Like your Elfyourself card!

Best wishes
Hi Sarah,

Typed in 'I am agoraphobic' in google and this came up. You must be famous to all the agoraphobes in the world ; ) lol.

I turned 22 in November and have been agoraphobic since 2005. Seriously. I HAVE left the house, but VERY rarely. Maybe 4 times in 2009. I know that sounds mental but it's true, I really have been indoors all of this year.

I won't bore you with my life story. I just want to know how can I get out of depression? I know that if I did something sporadic like joined the Army or something, I'd be forced to interact with people and I could deal with that. There was a time when I was scared to death of just walking out the front door and getting money from the bank, but I've changed mentally since then. I'm a bit stronger now, although I do still have mild panic attacks whenever I leave the house.
Especially when I go to the shopping centre! Oh..my..god. I can't describe how anxious so feel but I'm sure you can imagine. Your the same right?

Anyway, just want to say that you are not alone, there are other f****d up people out there that feel EXACTLY how you feel. Plus it felt good to vent ; )

Hope everything turns out well for you in the end and hope that you and your son have a happy Christmas. Hope that your new boyfriend treats you well. Goodbye take care!

P.S. I HATE Christmas aswell. So depressing.

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