Get rid of one arsehole out of my life that slagged me off no end, and it's been replace (full force) with my step father being a complete and utter dick.
Last night, i was at my mothers, my step father was asleep on the sofa. I ask her to drop her off at my boyfriends. This was fine. However, once sleeping beauty arose all hell let loose. My mum told him, i am just taking Sarah home and i will meet you at *Rose's*, they were going to pop round for a cuppa. With that, he started going on about taking two cars into town. Mum told him i'd just given her petrol money...but he said he couldn't give a shit if i'd given her £200 for petrol. We then agreed that if he wouldn't mind dropping me off on the way, i'd go with him (BARING IN MIND - IT'S ON THE WAY TO THEIR FRIENDS HOUSE). He stormed into the utilty room, threw on his coat, mum could see the mood he was in and she said she'd drive...that went down like a lead balloon "IT'S MY CAR - I WILL DRIVE". I walked out of the house...then the verbal attack started. "SARAH - THIS HAS GOT TO CHANGE. YOU HAVE RUINED MY LIFE. I AM FED UP WITH ALL THIS." I said, there is NO WAY in the world i am getting in a car with him. Us agoraphobics need to TRUST the person they are with...when i said i wouldn't be going with him he said "WHY DON'T YOU FUCK OFF - I AM FUCKING PISSED OFF WITH YOU, FUCK OFF...FUCK OFF WITH YOUR FUCKING MOTHER AND DON'T EVER FUCKING COME BACK."
Thing is, i can see his point a bit...He's needy...he needs/wants my mother around all the time, so anytime that she's not there he gets the arse ache. My sister shares the same views as he does. HOWEVER...I AM NOT LIKE THIS BECAUSE I WANT TO PISS PEOPLE OFF - FUCK ME, I WOULD GIVE ALL MY MONEY TO NOT BE LIKE THIS ANYMORE. I AM TIRED OF FEELING LIKE A SACK OF SHIT. THE BURDEN ON THE FAMILY. I'VE HAD ENOUGH, AND SO CLOSE TO CHRISTMAS - NICE.
Last night, i was at my mothers, my step father was asleep on the sofa. I ask her to drop her off at my boyfriends. This was fine. However, once sleeping beauty arose all hell let loose. My mum told him, i am just taking Sarah home and i will meet you at *Rose's*, they were going to pop round for a cuppa. With that, he started going on about taking two cars into town. Mum told him i'd just given her petrol money...but he said he couldn't give a shit if i'd given her £200 for petrol. We then agreed that if he wouldn't mind dropping me off on the way, i'd go with him (BARING IN MIND - IT'S ON THE WAY TO THEIR FRIENDS HOUSE). He stormed into the utilty room, threw on his coat, mum could see the mood he was in and she said she'd drive...that went down like a lead balloon "IT'S MY CAR - I WILL DRIVE". I walked out of the house...then the verbal attack started. "SARAH - THIS HAS GOT TO CHANGE. YOU HAVE RUINED MY LIFE. I AM FED UP WITH ALL THIS." I said, there is NO WAY in the world i am getting in a car with him. Us agoraphobics need to TRUST the person they are with...when i said i wouldn't be going with him he said "WHY DON'T YOU FUCK OFF - I AM FUCKING PISSED OFF WITH YOU, FUCK OFF...FUCK OFF WITH YOUR FUCKING MOTHER AND DON'T EVER FUCKING COME BACK."
Thing is, i can see his point a bit...He's needy...he needs/wants my mother around all the time, so anytime that she's not there he gets the arse ache. My sister shares the same views as he does. HOWEVER...I AM NOT LIKE THIS BECAUSE I WANT TO PISS PEOPLE OFF - FUCK ME, I WOULD GIVE ALL MY MONEY TO NOT BE LIKE THIS ANYMORE. I AM TIRED OF FEELING LIKE A SACK OF SHIT. THE BURDEN ON THE FAMILY. I'VE HAD ENOUGH, AND SO CLOSE TO CHRISTMAS - NICE.
See I'd have landed my fist smack in his mouth but that's me.
Whatever his problem is it's not you. He is using you as an excuse to vent his frustrations and exert his twisted sense of control. How can you possibly have ruined his life? Because he's not got your mother at his beck and call 24/7? Honestly hunny, I feel for you and your lovely Mum....I'll stop there because I wish he'd just feck off and do everyone a huge favour.
:-( xxxxxxxx
It goes without saying that you should ignore what this guy said and see it for what it was - an attempt to hurt your mother...and perhaps you too.
This affair is something for your mother and father-in-law to sort out between themselves. I should avoid their house until you are certain that it has died down.
I hope that you can believe CC and me - this is not your fault.