I'll start off by saying i believe my boyfriend has ended our relationship.

Why? Because he finds it REALLY hard to cope with my issues... Last night he reeled off everything that i suffer with, one after the other.

Panic attacks
Low self esteem
Self harm
Health anxiety

(there were two more he added but i don't recall them)

He got really cross with me, so much so, he walked out on me. I've not seen him since.

He said he finds my issues draining. Which i can totally understand. Right now my self loathing is going nuts. I don't think i have ever hated myself so much. He gets upset when i constantly pick holes in myself. When we were away i had several gorgeous looking spots on my face (caused by picking) and i felt concious about going out, but i did go. But i didn't stop moaning about how digusting i look and how fat i have got. To be honest, i get that i am a challange, but i didn't realise that i would be dumped over this.


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