The nerves are kicking in.

Head full of "What if's"...

What if i panic on the way?
What if i panic, freak out and can't get home because i AM freaking out so much?
What if i panic in the night?
What if i panic infront of his friends?
What if i panic coming home?
What if i panic...WHAT IF?

Okay, so it's an hour away. I can do an hour away, Cambridge is OVER an hour away. The theater was about as far....i CAN do it.

...and i have Stinky with me, he's my rational mind. "What are you scared of mummy, there are no monsters".... Which is true. PLUS, added bonus, one of the women who is going works in the mental health field, so she has understand of my "mentalness"....

Wish me luck. Camping party time....whoop!!!


em said…
what if.... you go and have a great time, love being out doors in this great weather. ive got my fingers crossed for you that everything will be fine. secretly im envious of you!!!xxx
Sarah♥ said…
Thanks Em. I am planning on having an amazing time. Thanks for your comment, I hope you're well xxxxxx
Shelly said…
have fun! caant wait to hear about it!!!!
Drew said…
Wow. What an amazing positive transformation in your thoughts process Sarah. I hope you're having an awesome time!

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