Where it all started... Say Hi and Goodbye to my EX HUSBAND. This is the precious man that i loved for all those years but who treated me like dog shite... I'm only really posting these pictures because i LOVE LOVE LOVE my wedding dress. It was EXACTLY what i wanted. Gorgeous...stunning...i still love it now, rammed upstairs in the loft, screwed up in a ball somewhere :) Don't i look happy? Unfortunately by the end of the day, i was crying!
She is doing fine thank you - got a few more weeks left yet, she was 26 weeks on Saturday, so yeah...VERY EXCITED!
I think my friends pregnancy is the LONGEST ONE EVER! She had to have IVF to get this little one and thank God it worked first time, but what with the investigate operation right back last March/April, to the whole IVF procedure, it's been a long time!!!!
Can't wait to meet *it*....
I will pass on your best wishes to her, Thank you xxx