Lots to talk about...

If you'e been reading here awhile you'll know that i totally bought into the whole "The Secret" and "The Power" books... Law of attraction and all that - it DID make sense while i was reading it - you get back what you put out... simple concept really. Anyway, i forgot to be thankful/grateful and let my love for the universe slip (i went mental, sorry universe!). So anyway, when i came across the latest book in the range, i was "on it like a car bonnet"....i immediately purchased it and although the release date isn't until tomorrow, i have already received mine, guess the UNIVERSE is trying to tell me something, either that or Amazon is just super duper efficient!? I'll let you know what i think after i have read it.

This is what it says on the back...

You hold in your hands the way to a magical life.

Remember when you were a child and you believed that life was magical? Well, the magic of life is real and it's far more breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and exciting that you ever imagined as a child. You can life your dreams and you can have anything you want, and your life can touch the stars! Come with me on an unforgettable journey for 28 days, as we discover how truly dazzling our lives can be.

Our adventure begins two thousand years ago when life-changing knowledge was hidden within a sacred text. For twenty centuries, this knowledge has mystified, confused, and been misunderstood by almost all who read it....

That's that... now onto the text bit of news....

I have ended my 33 month relationship with my boyfriend. I don't know if it's the medication that has given me the courage/strength/confidence to do it, but i've done it.

I have to focus on my recovery and i can't be in a dysfunctional relationship...
So yeah..


Miss F said…
Oh :-( That is a hard thing to do and I hope you are okay (I know you will be !) x
Sarah♥ said…
Definitely NOT okay.. Cried all day... and still crying now.

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