
So..this morning, my sweet little dog came into season and MY panic is over.

Thing is, i kind of feel...not disappointed, but i suppose being so many days late i had resigned to the fact that pregnancy was a real possibility.

In other news...OMFG! The "plan" is to stay at my boyfriends on Christmas Eve, where i will finally meet, both his brothers (and partners) and his mother. I feel anxious just thinking about it. We would have been together for 6 months by then, so i think the time is right and definitely not something that we have rushed into. Meeting the parent/s (sadly his father died 10 years ago), is a big deal, and i am nothing like his i don't know whether they are going to like me...or think i am right for him - i am really nervous. Stinky will be there, so i do have something familiar around me.

MORE NEWS...Stinky is finally getting to 'meet' HIS biological father. Recently he's be asking a few questions about him and i don't know what to say with regard to why bio daddy didn't want to know - so i emailed bio daddy's wife and asked her advice as to how THEY would like me to deal with the situation. I didn't mention a meet at all - it was her who suggested it. Now....i have NEVER EVER had a problem with either her or him. This is a massive deal and something that i have thought about for the last 11 years of my boys life...i do believe that a relationship of somekind is very important, and at this stage although Stink feels like bio daddy "abandoned" him (HIS WORDS), it's better that it happens now. I've chatted with my EX and he is happy to be involved in this too.


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