
I opted to really go mad and *try* Levonelle 1500 instead of the coil. The thought of having a little piece of copper rammed up through my vagina/cervix to my womb really didn't make me happy, not even thinking about the pain AND the fact it can lower your heart rate and make you faint whilst being done (apparently, so my doctor informed me, that the cervical muscles are the same as the heart muscles and can effect it).

So i called my doctor last night and explained that i was not happy with my decision and he gave me the pills. Although it was about 35 hours since the "accident" happened, i am still a good 85% clear of it working. My boyfriend collected the pill and brought it too me, like the angel that he is. I held it in my hand and my heart raced, i thought it was going to jump out of my body...i WAS scared of what would happen, obviously. Pills aren't my thing. I swallowed it...that was 8 hours ago. I've felt cramping...a little neauseous at times...but so far, i am okay.

My boyfriend has been here the whole day with me. We've been very productive by cleaning and tidying the freezer AND Stinks room.

I'm still a wee bit anxious about the pill inside me and that i might still puke..but i am not eating hopefully (i know, my stupid emetophobic head is on)...i might be okay!

Had parents evening...and i will leave that there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is okay :)


Robert said…
You are so brave! [[applause]] Taking that pill, and talking to kids about ED's. You have so much to offer!

Hope it all works out with the pill...
Nikki said…
Hi Sarah.

the bit about the pill inside you making you anxious kinda made me smile. Its just totally something Id say.. Id swallow it and then get a feeling of doom, then wonder where it is, thinking to myself 'Hmmm, its in my stomach now' Id just feel off about it being in me!
When I took the pill years ago I had emetophobia back then, I managed to cope better than I would now too. I think the possibility of having a baby outweighs the nausea/sickness risk.

Im also scared to eat today btw, I dont know whether its the fear of catching this bug thats putting me off, or whether Im scared to eat in case it comes back! Either way youre not on your own there.

I agree with Robert too, you are very brave to be talking to others about your life. Id be so scared to go there in the first place, let alone find the courage to speak once inside! Youre doing really well, I hope youre proud of yourself :)

Oh.. were you ok with the pill in the end?

Sarah♥ said…
Hi Nikki.
The pill was fine apart from the pain. No nausea, no headache, no nothing :)


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