It was awful. We walked from the car through the shopping centre and i was telling my mother i didn't feel well and that i couldn't get to M & S, so she grudgingly turned round and we started walking back to the car. But for a moment i thought, i am going to try this, so back we went toward M & S. Baring in mind, mum wanted food, so its right at the back of the store... We got stuck in the go-slow queue and panic hit me. I HAD TO GET OUT, but mum wouldn't leave her food at the till - so we stood there, actually, i was dancing around like some fool. The checkout women was staring as if i was effing mad. I knew it was a bad idea to go to M & S - i was shaking...i felt sick, bad, awful - BUT....i managed to just about stay there...and i didn't die and i didn't vomit and who cares that the women thought i was mad...


Robert said…
You coped, didn't you? Perhaps not very well, but you coped. You should congratulate yourself. :)
coffeecup said…
You coped fabulously! You made a conscious effort to keep going. You panicked and you handled it without causing a scene or running as fast as you could to the car. RESULT!! High fives Sarah ........X

PS. I haven't been inside a shopping centre in ages. Awesome I say! You are an amazing wonderful woman!
Sarah♥ said…
Oh no Steph, there was a scene, i was doing the panic dance. I was fiddling with my hair - playing with my hands...swearing...ugh - it was shit.

Hope you're okay sweetness :)


Robert - coped? Don't know about that. I was SO far from the car, thats what scared me.

Emma said…
So what if you made a scene, what are the chances that you will bump into that same woman again.. very slim, plus i doubt that after 5 mins when you left she even gave you a 2nd thought.
If i was you i would have just told her! lol.
Anyway hope your ok.
Have some news for you anyway.... My CBT has now officially stopped :(
Actually fook it im calling you, we need to catch up!
Drew said…
Why was it a bad idea to go to M & S? Because you had a panic attack? So f-ing what? You did exactly the right thing here Sarah. You put yourself into a situation that had the potential to cause anxiety, then stayed put when that anxiety hit. I'm sure you were REALLY uncomfortable, but you have to be uncomfortable for a while to get better. There's no other way.

All in all, a great day. Now do it again tomorrow. ;-)

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