My diary.

Thursday/Friday....NOTHING! (but should be sorting out my room)
Saturday/Sunday...CAMPING in rural Suffolk
WEDNESDAY.....MY BIRTHDAY. Shopping/out for dinner
Thursday...Sorting out room
Friday...Sorting out room
Sunday...Boyfriends Mum's AND taking out furniture
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday...Bedroom being done
Thursday/Friday....Furniture being delivered.

Busy, busy, busy!

Cannot wait to go camping this weekend. Stink is coming too, he's so excited. I bought him a sleeping bag today and blow up bed. My fella has got an 8 person tent, so i think it should be big enough. We're going with 2 couples and maybe a women and her son, don't know for sure. It's basically in the middle of nowhere, about an hour away from here. The weather is meant to be lovely, so that's good news. It's like a "birthday" weekend for me....


em said…
have a great time camping this weekend. hope the weather is on your side. i can smell the grass now, you lucky thing. xx

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