Would you fucking believe it...

...abnormal fucking cells again! Ugh. Back to have ANOTHER colposcopy!

And actually i am really pissed off.....why? I'll tell you why.

I've had several smear tests come back with abnormal cells before and i've been down this whole colposcopy route 2/3 times already. My last smear test (before this one) was June last year and i was told to come back in THREE years....yes, THREE years! It's only because i've been bleeding through the month and after sex that i took myself off to be checked. Good fucking job i did really....

I am annoyed and really fucking pissed off that nothing, NOTHING ever goes right for me...


em said…
the sad truth is in this day and age i can believe it. its like you have to deal with your own health problems. really good luck, crossing my fingers for you. xxxx
lotte said…
Sarah.....you are right it is a Fucking Joke...the NHS is a bag of wank!!!!

I have had a coloscopy and I know that they are painful and I also know the worry that they cause and the anxiety that goes with it, you know as well as me that they are not pleasant but you are strong and this time you have a man that loves you dearly behind you.

I am thinking of you and cant believe that you are unlucky enough to have this yet again....thank gd you were on the ball in relation to getting checked out.

Im crossing everhting for you hun
x xx x x x
Sarah♥ said…
Em - Thanks for your comment.

I'm still seething with anger!!!

Sarah♥ said…
Lotte. (Gorgeous mother/wife/daughter/grandaughter)

They're just shit to have. It's the whole 'legs wide open' bullshit that i find so invasive.

As far as anxiety goes, i CAN and DO always cope with this kind of thing. I don't get at all anxious for some reason, i suppose it's because i KNOW it has to happen. Not so sure how i am going to cope with my brain scan though :(

I am SO happy i am slightly "health anxious" otherwise i might have just not bothered to go and get checked out...

Amy said…
That's terrible. I've had an abnormal pap smear in the past (and a colposcopy and treatment for the abnormal cells). I had to have a smear test every 3 months for a year, then every 6 months for 2 years, then I went back to every 2. They never recommend 3 years in between here!

Best of luck xx I hope you get it sorted this time!
vinny said…
hi Sarah i go for smear tests every year at my dr's just to make sure as my mum died of cirvical cancer so i demaded to be done every year and not every 3 years,i have 2 sisters that also go every year,i have had a few abnormal ones to and hate going to the hospital afterwars it hurts soo much ;0(
anyways just asked to be seen every year from now on cos they can't refuse you xxxx

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