Dentist day...(again).

We left the house at 7.45 this morning to make sure we missed all the traffic. I walked into the dentists and i was the first one there, no waiting - straight into the chair. I was nervously laughing as they were talking to me and i don't even really remember what they were saying. But - we have a problem. The sedation isn't working as well as it use to. Like before i would remember nothing until at least half way home in the car, but this time, yes i was slurring my words and walking as if i was drunk, but i can remember these things.... I remember my gums being injected, although no pain registered as it went in. I remember them shoving a huge plastic thing in the right side of my mouth i suppose to keep my tongue out of the way. I remember the dentist saying that i was going to feel some pulling now and then the next thing, it was out and i was walking to recovery.

So yay, i am minus another tooth, which makes me very happy. I will no long have THAT pain everyday! After Christmas and i am all healed up, i'll get my new teeth done, VERY excited about that prospect, i will be able to eat again :)

Very sleepy. I managed to get a couple of hours since i've been home, which is new for me, i can NEVER EVER do mid day napping...


vinny said…
what sedation do u have sarah as i have gas and air when i go,they put like a little rubber nose mask just on my nose and i have to breath it in until i feel woozy but i still remember everything but it just makes me feel drunk,and what do you mean new teeth?are you getting like false teeth on a gum shield thing or are u getting crowns done that u dont have to take out at night etc?just want to know as i have only 2 back teeth ;0( 1 either side so have to eat with my gums and its soo hard xxx♥xxx
Sarah♥ said…
It's an IV drug, a benzodiazepine, from the valium/diazepam family...

I have no idea whats going to happen with my (new) teeth yet, what they are going to be or anything. Quite frankly i don't give a shit, as long as i have some molars to eat with ;)


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