New project..

I'm getting involved in a new YOUTUBE community channel to help people with all kinds of mental health problems. It's been created by a lovely young lady called Melissa who recently did work for ''.

The way it works is that 7 people each get their day to make a video and talk about their problems, answer questions and generally have some fun along the way too. I am super excited about this as i am a "FRIDAY GIRL".

It's called Survivors 4 hope and freedom/fighting4hope. < LINK!!!

I think as a LONG TERM sufferer of a gazillion mental health problems, i have a lot to talk about... :)

If you're a YOUTUBE user, get over there and subscribe....


vinny said…
thanks for the info would be great to watch ya ;0)
Sarah♥ said…
Be great to have your support :)


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