
Yesterdays' down day was (rather bizarrely) after a REALLY good weekend. I'm going to try and explain this the best i can.

Saturday i did MORE shopping in Chelmo town centre which was awful, i went to a party, yes, a pre Christmas party with loads of people i didn't know. My boyfriend drank so i had to drive and i stayed for over 3 hours. Then on Sunday we went shopping for his Christmas tree, went round other friends for a cuppa, decorated his tree, went shopping, queued up in Argos for ages....and came home.

I haven't been to a 'party' since before Stinky was born and i hate driving at night,....and i have NEVER been Christmas tree shopping...ever! These things were done with ease and at no point did i feel anything, no panic, nor anxiety. That's good - right???? You'd think so.......

...NO! In my head, it's not good. (This is where it get's complicated, so bare with me...).

When i do good things, it's no biggy. I don't praise myself for being able to cope with these new situations i am being put in, i don't feel good that i can do it......why? BECAUSE I SHOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. I SHOULDN'T BE AGORAPHOBIC. I SHOULD BE NORMAL. I curse myself. When my boyfriend is saying how amazing i am, and how much i have achieved in 8 months and that i should be proud of myself, my response is - "No." I'm thinking, we only went into town, i SHOULD be able to go to London (for example), so what i do achieve in my eyes is just not good enough... Whereas he's thinking "You went into town, shopping with no panic...that is so good Sarah".... Positive/negative minds...isn't it funny how they work!?

I crave and long to be that girl before i got my life taken away from me. It happened in the matter of minutes, going from a normal, pregnant, 23 year old a 23 year old women, scared to move in case i passed out again.

I think depending on the situation you're in, it's easier to recover. For example. When i was with my ex husband, he was constantly putting me down, telling me how much of a failure i was and that i was basically a burden to that (obviously) got to me. It didn't help that he couldn't drive, so if i was to go out and panic...he couldn't drive me home. It was tough. Plus, he was embarrassed of me. He never let me meet his friends, the only time i did was at the wedding and never again. Whereas now, being with Bean, he will tell me that i am fantastic, that i am doing great, that he's so very proud of me....and the results are really very very clear.... HE HAS ALWAYS ACCEPTED ME, JUST THE WAY I AM. No put-downs, no telling me i am shit, no calling me names because i can't do something, just non-stop "well done". ALL his friends know my situation, he's introduced me to all of them, and they get it...they get me and are super accommodating too. Even at the party, as we left, the hosts said to me "You've done really well Sarah.....", THAT means something to me. They accept me too....just the way i am. So, why am i so harsh on myself?

This year...2010, will go down as my BEST achieving year since 1998. Without a doubt. The amount of things i've been able to do, with the love and support from Bean has been brilliant. CAMPING, 3 TIMES?? WTF? Seriously, i went camping....! Now that i CAN see as a fabulous thing.

Bean said to me last night that 'I' have got to accept that I am a women, suffering with panic and agoraphobia. This IS me....(at the moment), but i also have to not be so harsh on myself. Be kinder and love myself a little more. But it all comes down to this....IF i wasn't like this....everything would be so much easier. Bean said to me that he's had 'normal' girlfriends and they come with their issues no-one is ever without their own problems. Just that mine, is different - and he doesn't mind, one bit.

Starting today, i am going to try and see the progress i have made. The effort i have put into getting better, being with a man who loves me unconditionally and who has pushed me to get out and start doing things again, to start living again... I will be eternally grateful to my boyfriend, for he's helped me more than i could have ever wished for.... I've learnt to trust another person, well, many people actually....all his friends that don't mind that i'm a little nuts....if i didn't feel comfortable around them, i wouldn't be able to go to their houses, have dinner, parties, bar-b-ques, spend time camping with them.....none of it.

I am a very lucky girl really.....
My life is slowly coming back to me....

Now...just a few pictures to end off this huge blog! First picture is the party and the others are quite obvious ;)


Lisa x said…
I can relate to this completely! Nothing I achieve is ever good enough and I don't feel I've anything to be proud of because 'everyone else can do it' or 'I should be able to do it' and the worst 'I used to be able to do it'. Saying all that really angers my Mum she thinks I don't give myself enough credit. It's hard though if I was 'normal' I would be able to do these things without thinking anything of it.

Accepting that I can't do things is difficult I keep expecting to wake up one day magically cured.

I'm glad that you had a positive weeken, you really have had an amazing year! And it's good to hear that you have people who understand and support you Xx
Sarah♥ said…
Your comment makes me really happy. Not that you feel down about things, but the fact that you can totally get where i am coming from.

It's so hard not being like you use to be, missing that person in every way. I (despite hating myself for years) use to be so confident, now i shy away and walk around with my head down.

I wish i could just DO THINGS, normal things, like back in 1998...arghhh!!
vinny said…
yes i'm afraid i relate to you both too,i have been trying recently to look at the posative side of life and try keeping happy,sometimes works and sometimes doesn't,glad ur fella is sooo supportive sarah as mine is too,just a shame his family don't understand what i go through no matter how hard he tries to tell them,even my family don't understand upto a point but are more understanding than his i think,its just cos u can't see mental health,you can see a broken leg or wheelchair but if a person looks normal then there is nothing wrong with them {{WRONG}} ggrrrr
i was also very outgoing and the life and sole of any party b4 i got this dreaded anxiety and over the years its just got worse and worse,sad but like your fella said we have to accept that we have anxiety etc etc and try to learn to live withit as otherwise it will end up beating us,never give up,love and hugs vinny x♥x
Sarah♥ said…
Mental health is hard to understand unless you experience the feelings and sensations that we do. How can you possibly explain it without sounding like a nut job? For example...i would say to someone..."When i go out i feel like i am going to go mad, that i am being suffocated, my heart is racing, i feel sick and sometimes like i could die..."

UNLESS you take time to read about this and research it, it does sound

vinny said…
yes i know it does sound really crazy unless u read about it but i think family should take time to at least read about these things,go when there is something wrong wiv one of them then i read about it so i know what they are on about,but yes when i say to my sis that when i have a panic attack i can't breathe my heart races my hands sweat,i feel like i'm gonna faint fall over or throw up and just want to run home then yes it sounds freaky lol when everyone else can do these things without a thought,when i go out with my fella into town i always wonder how many people are going through the same as me cos u can't see it can u,well u can a little if u looked dead close cos i would look really worried,would not be smiling and probably be shaking,when i explain to people that i can't go out for a meal or even if i went to their house that i can't even sit around the dinner table wiv them and have to sit in the other room now that is embaressing ;0(
wish they all understood though would be great x♥x

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