
So todays therapy session was all to do with trying to get rid of the things that have hurt me in the My dad leaving, granny dying, know the stuff. Basically i was put into deep relaxation and all those bad things i had to visualise as pages of a book. When talking about my dad leaving, i had to see that on a page of a book, gradually fading to nothing, then ripping out the page and screwing it up into a ball and putting in a paper bag. I did this for each thing that bothered me from my past..... Then i was told to open a cupboard and in that cupboard was a shoot, that lead down to an incinerator, i then threw the bag with all the badness in, down the shoot to be burnt. Gone. Badness is no more......????

So tonight just now, i am lying in bed, it's nearly 11pm and the thought of the bullies popped into my head, and instead of the usual bright vivid colours that i normally see when thinking about that time of my life, i saw it all blurry, couldn't really make any sense of it, plus with NO emotional attachment. Then i deliberately thought about my grandmother, and exactly the same happened again, blurry images and that intense sadness that normally goes along with that thought, wasn't any where near a bad. Now, i WILL NEVER EVER forget that night, for as long as i be able to think about it without seeing it as if it was happening right now and without bursting into tears 25 years on....that would be amazing.

So far - so good.



vinny said…
wow thats ace so it does work upto now then,is it very expensive? i guess it is,wish the did it for free on the nhs that would be good ;0)
so glad something is working for you finally,you should try asking them to now do the same for your body/looks issues to see if you can see yourself as lovely instead of ugly
hugs always love vin xxxx♥♥

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