Hating society this morning.

Why are "looks" are such a big thing?

Why is it that if you're unattractive, slightly overweight, you don't wear the latest fashion, your make-up doesn't come from MAC and you don't conform to the "ideal", society looks down on you?

Maybe it's just me that feels i'm under scrutiny because i don't have the 6ft legs, perfect clear face, beautiful sparkly teeth and eyes, the gorgeous flat stomach....the mane locks that swish when i walk....i HATE society and i HATE that i feel under pressure to correct MY flaws so i feel that i do fit in. Well, i will NEVER fit in. I will never be pretty, i will never have the body that i desire, my tits are going to grow over night, my face isn't going to become clear....i'm not going to be THAT person without risking what i already have, and i know i hate what i have, but is it worth taking a risk and making it worse? If that's at all possible?

My boyfriend says he doesn't see my scaring, he says he doesn't see the deep set wrinkle lines, he doesn't see any of it, but from his history of gorgeous girlfriends, i find that hard to believe, although he does do a very convincing impression if that's the case.

I'm laying here with the decision whether to go for it....in the name of conformity or leave it and be ugly scarred Sarah for all eternity.


coffeecup said…
I think I know what you're referring to and if I'm right I'd be scared to go through it too. In fact, I wouldn't.

I've got patches of dark pigment on my face that appeared in recent years, broken capillaries from picking spots that never stop popping up, and much more that you could argue is ugly and unacceptable. If I get a lump spot, which happens daily pretty much I seriously won't let anyone see me and hide until it's cleared. How sad is that?

Sarah, how you can say you will never be pretty I don't know? You boyfriend, like the rest of us must surely think you are gorgeous and lovable just for being you exactly as you are.

Look around and tell me how many Cheryl Cole look alikies you see in an average day? Irony is there's another example of plastic fantastic! If you burned those glam mags and switched off the TV and closed your eyes to this relentless barrage of advertising you'd surely feel different about yourself, and wouldn't we all? It's an illusion. A con. Fake in the extreme. This constant stiving for perfect beauty is a cynical marketing ploy to keep lovely girls feeling insecure and therefore spending billions each year on beauty products. I have draws filled with them but I don't look like the models in the ads because I use Revlon shampoo etc.

Makes me laugh sometimes when I see interviews with model agency managers and the women who write the beauty articles because these smart business women are NOT anything like the images they promote.

Just stepping off my soapbox now...

Of course I empathise because I feel the same. Want to be slimmer, have perfect teeth, porcelain skin and no frown furrows or wrinkles. Me and the other 99% of women who have fallen for the same myth. Remember the Dove ads with the real women? If they used normal people like that in ALL the adverts then I'm convinced we'd want to look like them too with a bit of sexy cellulite or round thighs!!!

You're a stunning beautiful glamourous woman.

Sorry for the epic comment x
Sarah♥ said…
It would be so much easier if my boyfriends ex's weren't all so bloody gorgeous, with massive tits! I despise myself for feeling that i am trying to live up to them, it annoys me so much, but sadly, it's true.

I know airbrushing exists, and i am aware that stylists and "wardrobe" are on celebrities beck and call, but the bottom line is that PEOPLE like what they see, and no matter what i do, that's never going to be me.
vinny said…
stop! stop! stop!sarah ur soooo lovely and stunning,i think u look like a model anyway lol ur nuts u really are,not in a bad way of course but for thinking u are ugly,i see prettier people than me all the time but i also see uglier people too,we were all born different,i do think its very very wrong how magazines etc show off celebs to be stunners but type into google celebs without make-up etc and u will soon see they are not all that,yes some are but most cover up wiv piles of make-up and have the money to have hair and nails done every day and boob jobs galore,i wouldnt have a boob job even though my boobs aint big either,wouldnt have a face lift or anything,the only thing i may have done is my teeth if i had that sort of money lol,and i bet ur fella's ex's were not all that either but u just think they were cos ur so down wiv urself,do u have photos of them? cos i bet if u put urs next to theirs u would be the most stunning {{{hugs}}}♥♥
Sarah♥ said…
Oh my goodness Vinny. IF you could see me now, first thing in the morning, middle of the day, last thing at night - i would scare the shit out of you. If disgusting at the best of times.

I wish i was exaggerating about his exes, but i'm really not.

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