As you may have noticed at the moment i am writing a lot of posts and then deleting them, there is a reason for this.

I don't find it amusing when people read my blog for "entertainment". I would NEVER read someone else's blog because i enjoy to see if they are failing, or not doing so well, i am NOT that heartless and - how fucked up is that anyway?? I genuinely LIKE the people who's blogs i read. I LIKE to see that they are doing well, and when things aren't going that great, i feel bad for them. Take Lotte for example, i certainly don't read her blog for entertainment - and now i know she's having a hard time, i am making an effort to contact her by text to show her my support, and also Mrs G, we spoke on the phone the other day after her panicky honeymoon, i didn't find that amusing either. *SOME* people are more fucked up than they care to acknowledge.

Seriously, if you're reading for entertainment value, then don't, fuck off and read


vinny said…
why would anyone read for entertainment?i read ur blogs cos i find them interesting and it helps me in a way knowing that its not just me stuck in a rut ;0( we all have our problems and some more than others and i think people with anxiety/depression/agorophobia should all have an understanding anyway cos we are all very simlar,we all may be able to do different things or not be able to do things but i think its nice to share that with other so i think its ace what u do sarah ;0)
i feel yuck today,ive had this thing called labrynthitus for months now and its something that affects the inner ear and ballance and now my fella has caught it too,we both feel really shitty dizzy and tired all the time its crap,apart from that just gonna have a really late sunday roast beef dinner now so i will say goodnight and sweet dreams xx♥xx
Sarah♥ said…
Thanks Sweet. I appreciate that :)

Some people are twisted, that's all i can say.

I have had labrynthitus since i was 15. It's horrid - but i take a medication called Stemitil and it's really very good.

Hope you both feel better soon.

vinny said…
oh christ sinse u were 15 grrr there isnt much hope for us then,does it come and go cos i had mine for about 12 weeks and thought it had gone but today been feeling dead dizzy again and on about week 20 now,yeah we have tsken stemetil but doesnt seem to work that great and there was another one they gave us too which i cant remember the name now but they were both much of a muchness,they said its a viral infection but i did read on the net it can last for years like urs,wonder if its anything to do wiv stress and anxiety then?its the strangest feeling,feels like i'm drugged up and really weird but then again my fella has caught it too so maybe it is a virus.
can u see who has read ur blog then does it tell ya?yeah some people are mean ;0( ♥
vinny said…
other tabs are prochlorperazine which are a little better but still not great,its such a nasty thing to have,never heard of it b4 untill i went to the dr's feeling like shite,hope it gets better and hope urs does too xx
Sarah♥ said…
Stemetil is prochlorperazine, they are the same thing.

vinny said…
ahh sorry whoops the other ones were stugeron cinnarizine which u can just buy over the counter anyway as i think they are like travel sick tablets or something and not very good so yeah the stemetil ones were better,thanks sarah,better get off to bed,want an early night,hope u have a great week hun ♥♥
Sarah♥ said…
Yeah. Since i have had my blog, i've used a website called and it tells you ip addresses and how many times people visit.

I KNOW this person who is reading for entertainment value (for example) has checked my blog 30 times in 3 days, and then they have the audacity to state on THEIR blog that i am a stalker, really? This chick is a well know truth twister. Blatant lies to make themselves look good is clearly (in their opinion) the way to go. But thing is, I know the truth....where as they really believe and have convinced themselves that what they spout out, is the truth. Makes me giggle.

Oh well...i'll let them continue lying, because it doesn't bother me. Life is too short to worry about liars.
vinny said…
yeah ur right life is way too short to worry bout others that we dont even know.cant u block people on here?ive never used it really only to read ur blog and i sign in through a google account so dont know much about it,can u see my little purple profile pic?thats me if u can see it.
thats cool that it tells you,ha ha it will show that i check it all the time then,i promise i'm not a stalker lol i just like to see when uve wrote summat new thats all,right i really am off to bed this time lol i keep saying that and then get side tracked but i'm nackered now,sweet dreams hun and thanks for chatting ♥
Sarah♥ said…
I'm not worried about anyone else reading, just the "odd" one...


I can you see, just are very purple and very
Hi Sarah

I read your blog although I don't always leave a comment.

Sometimes there is so much I would like to write but then I think twice about giving advice. I'm always very happy when I read you are loving life and everything is going wonderful for you.

I know people stop by and read my blog and don't comment but it doesn't bother me in the least. I know for myself it can take me ages to write a comment as I get paranoid about spelling, grammar etc:( It's almost like a phobia.

It's taken me 15 mins to write this (wink)♥ Now I've broken the ice I will be leaving more comments in the future:)

You are obviously a very caring and loyal friend to have around. Qualities to be very proud of.

Enjoy your long weekend and take good care

♥ Linda xx
Sarah♥ said…
Hi Linda..
Thank you for commenting :)

Please, don't worry about spelling, grammar or anything like that here... I am far from perfect and the last person to be casting judgement... ;)

Feel free to advise as much as you can... I need all the advice i can get.

vinny said…
hi sarah hi linda yes very tiny very purple ha ha,if u right click and save to ur desktop then re-open it then it will probably be bigger ;0)
Linda dont worry about spelling i'm so rubish at spelling its unreal lol and i'm a lazy typer aswell,half the time i dont put puncuation or commas etc but i know people can still sort of read it so thats ok,hope u both have a nice bank hol ♥
Sarah♥ said…
I'm just off round to my back soon :)

vinny said…
ok have a nice time ;0)
i'm off down to the shop wiv my fella to measure up some new wardrobes we are hoping to get soon,at least its not raining today x
Flipper said…
sorry to hear you are having problems with some people and your blog. I don't comment very often mainly because i'm not great at advice but also because i am rubbish at checking on here and by the time i see posts they're days old lol

Is there anyway you could make your blog more private and approve people to follow you and read??
Sarah♥ said…
Hi Flipper,

"some people" have too much time on their hands!

I could make it private, then that's giving in to it, and i REFUSE to do that. I've thought about it a lot, but no - no way.


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