Talking to a friend...

I was lead to believe for a long time that i was a terrible person, by a couple of people that i had let into my life AND home. One of those people was of course my ex husband, who i'd have kissed the ground he walked on if he asked me to and the other being obviously someone else.

Fast forward a couple of years. I know that's not the truth. I was called selfish. I laugh at that now, because i'm THE most generous person i've ever known. Selfish perhaps because of my illness? Well, i was speaking to my gorgeous friend Mrs. L about being selfish and that's just not the case. Being selfish is someone who doesn't give a shit about hurting someone's feelings, whereas being unwell and selfish, you DO feel guilty about letting people down, but you need to do what you think is best, for you. So yeah, whatever!

I was told a whole lot of things from these two people, but i don't hate...oh no, i feel utterly sorry for them. Both of them had personality issues, they both knew how to attack me, both said awful things about the way i looked, my house, my car at the time, my clothes, i think i was even called "trailer trash"...LOL. i thank the Lord that my life has been cleansed from that kind of hurtful bullshit, 'cause i just didn't need it and since that moment, my life has been drama free and i have been a damn sight happier. Those two together = TOXIC.


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