Perfect time to move on.

I feel stronger, happier, healthier (despite my stupid brain illness), my house is how i want it (as i look around my gorgeous bedroom), my son is at that age when his sense of humour, his love for me...everything, all shining through (he STILL comes up to me 5 - 10 times a day wanting a kiss). Right now he's in his room playing the Wii with his best friend, all i can hear is laughing - who wouldn't be 100% content with that?

Who NEEDS a man around the house? I don't need anyone to make ME feel fulfilled. I live an easy, quite life, no arguing, no man to clear up after, i take care of my son, because i can, why do i want a man to be around to do it all for me? Living on my own now for quite a few years now (ex moved out in 2008), i'm more than capable of going it alone. You have a man, you think it's all perfect, you think he adores you, you think he thinks your the best thing since sliced bread...but then, bam.....another one bites the dust and yet again, the heartbreak sets in. It's TEMPORARY cause fuck all lasts forever. I am a REALIST, and because i wore those rose tinted glasses throughout my relationship with the ex - scratching the surface deeper and the cracks will undoubtedly appear.

Being a single mother is possibly the best thing in the world. My son, is the product of ME and the way i've brought him up, i've done a bloody good job and no one else comes into the equation.


vinny said…
Thats great hun and if ur happy on ur own then go for it ;0)
u and ur son will be fine cos uve done it for so long alone and he seems a lovely lad by the photos ive seen,lovely happy smile,how old is he?
you have just had shit head men,like me in the past too,i couldnt believe my luck when i met my current fella cos he was drop dead sexy lol and he will do anything for me,he cares for me and would never leave me,so i think ive come up trumps as we have been together for 10 years in feb and he still makes me weak at the knee's and he still fancies me too,so yeah i'm very lucky and i'm sure there are more men like him out there,ive had my fair share of nob heads in the past who didnt give a crap and treated me like and idiot,i think u would do great on ur own but would u be able to cope with ur anxiety and agarophobia ok? i'm sure ur mum would help anyway xxxxx

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