Happy day....Good day...



Shopping list.

ME: Jeans and tops (maybe a handbag and some boots)
STINKY: Jeans, tops, hoodies and trainers.

I've just cleared out my boys wardrobe to make way for his new school uniform. Problem with that, is that i then get onto his t-shirts and other things. I've just bagged up roughly 40 t-shirts, 5 pairs of jeans, 6 pairs of trainers and a couple of hoodies (not including his primary school uniform). His wardrobe is only half full, which means i have to buy him new clothes. He's so tall and takes a size 6 shoe... When did that happen??


vinny said…
lol how old is he sarah?if they are any good then sell em on ebay?i love to go shopping but can only ever go with my fella but i love to spend spend spend,just wish we had the money to do it more often,hope you both get some nice things and have a lovely day xx♥
Sarah♥ said…
My handsome wee lad is 12 years old next month!

I don't have the money, i have a Visa :)

vinny said…
awww 12 he will have a girlfriend b4 you know it ;0)
wish i even plastic to spend ha ha,maybe they wont notice if i take monopoly money xx
Sarah♥ said…

Plastic is my best friend - however the monthly bill, not so much.


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