It wasn't that bad to be totally honest. She did the smear and i didn't even feel it, the worst bit was the swiping the cervix with whatever it is they put up there!!!
The picture that i did myself (obviously) is exactly how she drew my cervix on my notes...looks a bit worrying. Of course now, i have the 6 week wait until i find out what's what!
The picture that i did myself (obviously) is exactly how she drew my cervix on my notes...looks a bit worrying. Of course now, i have the 6 week wait until i find out what's what!
Well if they did a virus check you might find that it's low risk and they'll leave it be to clear itself. Hope so sweetie. Nothing quite like worry though :(
((hugs)) xxx
The hospital has only been open a few weeks was like a work of modern art, absolutely amazing :)
Thank God it was all clear....
hate going to any appointments and having to wait in a waiting rooms brings on like a panic attack clostraphobic sort of feeling and i just wanna run,they are either dead busy with kids running around and people coughing all over ya or they are too quiet and people just stare at each other lol.
keeping my fingers crossed for you hun xxx♥xxx
My boy is fine, he's a big drama queen. He only had wind!!!
The nurse said nothing :(
Hope your results are all clear when you get them back!
Phillipa xx